Dancin' the Night Away

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Hey guys! Sorry that this chapter just ended- I wrote the whole thing but apparently it didn't save :( Anyways, I hope you like it! 

Hermione was glad that she had an idea of what to expect when she came out of the girls' dormitory in the Gryffindor Common Room. Now, she wanted to make her real entrance to the ball more confident and slower, not as rushed and looking down into her feet.

She knew it didn't matter, but Hermione wanted to start her night grand. With that, she peeked around the corner before making her entrance to see if anyone was in her way. Hermione looked past on the lower level and saw Harry and Ron talking with their dates, the twins, looking at each other smiling and gushing. From the corner of her eye, Hermione saw Viktor with his back towards her in a huge group of guys. Hopefully, she would get his attention when walking down the stairs.

Also, when Hermione was peering around her dressed-up classmates, she spotted a certain Slytherin. Draco Malfoy. He was looking around the room as if in a hurry to see someone. Weird. Okay, Hermione thought to herself, you can do this. No more holding it off. Just walk down the stairs.

Hermione walked down the stairs, nervous at first. She felt stupid for thinking she could make such an entrance. Then, about three steps into it, Hermione replaced the thought with a new, confident one. She was going to walk down the stairs the way she wanted to.

Traveling step by step, Hermione walked gracefuly down in a flow like manner. She made sure to go a speed where it wasn't too fast where she would practically trip, yet not too slow where it would be obvious she was trying to make a scene.

She blushed as she saw a group of people staring her down, some with their mouths wide open, and others were whispering comments about her. 

As she made her way down the staircase, everyone made their way into the Great Hall except for the champions and their dates. Hermione quickly went by Viktor.

"Vell you look nice," Viktor commented, and Hermione looked down at her feet and smiled. 

They linked arms, getting ready to make their big entrance. The first pair entered, and the second, and then the third. Hermione and Viktor were next. Hermione took a deep breath and prepared for the scene that lay ahead. 

She started walking down the aisle, her legs feeling like jelly. Everyone was staring up at her. She spotted Harry at the end, with Ron and the twins that were nodding in approval at Hermione. She smiled and continued to look and see who else was near. 

Hermione immediatley recognized all her Gryffindor friends that had spent so long to get ready. It sure did pay off. They looked great. She and Ginny Weasley exchanged a grin, and Hermione thought she looked adorable. 

Hermione looked towards the other side and saw a blond boy staring blankly back at her. Draco. Hermione didn't want to stop smiling so she turned away. Weird. 

Finally, her walk was over with. It was almost too long. But then when Hermione realized that she would have to dance alone with Viktor in front of everyone, she wanted to keep walking. 

"Put your arms avround my neck," Viktor commanded, his accent thick. 

Hermione obeyed. She was getting nervous and then relaxed a little when the music started. I got this, she thought to herself, don't make a fool of yourself, whatever you do. 

One, two, three, step. One, two, three, step. Spin, Repeat. Easy.

Hermione saw from the corner of her eye Harry dancing wih Patil. He was actually a pretty decent dacner. Wonder where he learned. 

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