What Now?

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Hermione dreamily lay in her bed last night, along with some other girls. Most of the girls still had the energy to relieve every detail of what happend to them that night, while the others all listened, waiting for their turn to spill.

Hermione, on the other hand, was still in shock of what had just happened. It was a good kind of shock, though. It's weird how sometimes the things that you least expect to happen, happen. She wouldn't allow herself to think too much of it (if that was possible) because she still didn't know what it meant, what any of it meant.

Did this mean that Draco preferred Hermione over his other Slytherin friends? Was he just being a good friend? Is this what he wanted, did he even want to be near at all this night? Did Draco, maybe, perhaps, have feelings for her? Merlin, no. Like that was even possible.

Draco was just being a good friend, and for that, Hermione was thankful. Who knows what would've happened if she just stormed off after the incident with Viktor and the girl. Hermione mentally laughed at how she nearly forgot about that after the recent event. She should probably apologize to Viktor, to clear up that she didn't care and she was sorry.

Hermione was too tired to keep dwelling and dreaming, in fact, she wanted to really dream. She drained out the girl's laughs, which is something she had gotten really good at for the past few weeks.


Draco's mind was buzzing back in the Slytherin Common Room. Students were complaining that the lake that was above their room was too cold and it wasn't fair that their house had to be stuck underneath, while the others were exchanging their versions of their night. 

Draco sat down on the couch, deep in thought, while everyone else was still energized and could talk about the dance for forever it seemed. 

"You should've seen Pansy go! I would've never thought she had it in her! Her dance moves were better than all of ours combined!" Blaise was saying which Pansy smiled at. The others nodded their heads in agreement and Pansy looked very sastisfied. 

"Well, I mean, after we had our entertainment for the night, everyone just let loose, almost like a free-for-all!" Pansy continued, and everyone seemed to laugh at this- Goyle literally slapped his knee. 

Draco was half listening to their conversation. He was sure his night was a longshot better than anyone else's. 

"I never thought Granger had it in her, but then again remember when she punched Malfoy last year! She's a stubborn thing!" At this, Draco's had snapped up. He even got the chills. 

Dude calm down, he thought. 

"Yeah and then she ran off!" Pansy laughed, rolling her eyes. 

Draco clenched his fists tightly under his robes, his face burning more and more by the second. Don't let it get to you, he kept thinking back and forth. 

"I'm pretty sure I saw Granger with another guy dancing. It wasn't Krum."

"He was right to go after that blond, at least he has sense!" Pansy laughed again harder. 

That was it! Draco stood up and left towards the dormitory, not wanting to hear another word against Granger. Why couldn't they see that she was a nice person? Why couldn't they see that she always tries to do her best with everything she does? Why couldn't they see how her dimples look when she laughs...how she smells when she walks by...how she doesn't care what anybody thinks of her...

Oh, Merlin. This wasn't good. Stop, stop stop. What had just happened? Hermione was his friend, nothing else. But did friends think that their smile is the best thing ever? Did friends always think about one another? Well, maybe. Draco had never had a real friend before so maybe this is how it works. What other solution was there? 

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