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Hey guys! This update is soooo overdue. I've been having a crazy busy summer (I know, excuses, excuses.)

Anyways, I'm so sorry about the wait. I hope you like this.. and parts are going to get more mature, so don't read if you don't like that!!!


The familiar feelings of returning to Hogwarts rushed through Hermione as she spotted the beautiful castle and thought of everything that happened last school year. A lot can happen in a year. She wondered what would happen this school year. 

"Come on Hermione! We're getting off the train!" Ginny grabbed her arm and led her to the exit. Hermione squished her way between several students anxious to get off. 

After making the journey to the castle, Professor McGonagall had all the students sit in their house table while the first years got sorted into their new houses. Gryffindors cheered loudly to the new students. 

After giving instructions, McGonagall finishes with, "Okay, now off you all go. But I would like to talk to Miss Granger and Mister Malfoy please."

Harry and Ron gave Hermione a questioning look to which she shrugged. She hoped she wasn't in trouble; it was only the first day. 

Everybody exited loudly and Hermione remained seated. She looked over and Malfoy was across the room getting up to sit near McGonagall. Hermione nervously walked over and did the same. 

"Good afternoon you two," she greeted the pair of them.

"I'm going to get right to it then," she continued when Hermione and Draco remained silent. "The two of you are the top of your classes. You're both very bright individuals and that is why the professors here think you two would be a great fit to Head Boy and Head Girl. There are a lot of responsibilities with this duty. If you accept this position, we will go over all of them detailed later." She breathed and looked at the two of them.

Hermione was stunned. "Oh, goodness! This is such a wonderful opportunity! I will for sure accept!"

McGonagall beamed at her. "I was sure you would, Miss Granger."

Draco, on the other hand, remained indifferent. "What else does this mean if I accept the position?"

"Well, the living condition is a privilege. I know you two are from different houses and have your..disputes. However, being Head Girl and Head Boy is an honor. Therefore, the two of you have a separate room from the rest of students as you will be discussion plans together and sharing duties." 

Sharing a room with Malfoy? Hermione wasn't sure about that idea..she would've been all for it last year but after the way he was today she wasn't sure. But Head Girl was the chance of a lifetime.

"I'll be fine with that. Thank you for this opportunity!" Hermione smiled. 

"You're very welcome Miss Granger. And what about you, Mister Malfoy?" McGonagall turned her attention towards the blond.

"..I'll do it," he finally says. 

"Perfect. The password is 'gillyweed' and it's on the fifth floor. I'll talk to you two about the details tomorrow morning. Now off you go!" She dismissed them and Hermione started walking towards the stairs, hearing Draco trailing slowly behind her. She didn't know whether to walk with him but decided against it. 

There it was. The double doors that would lead into her new room for the next year. 

"Granger, wait!" Draco called, sprinting the last few steps. 

"What?" She called, annoyed. 

"I want to be the one who says the password first," he huffs, standing next to her. 

She rolled her eyes. "That's so typical of you."

He smirked and said, "Gillyweed."

The doors opened and Hermione forgot all about the password thing when she saw the beauty of their room. The decor was incredible. The two sofas were soft and cushioned. Her bedroom was generously big with a queen sized bed in red for Gryffindor. She noticed all her luggage was carefully placed in her room. 

She laid down on her bed and close her eyes. The life of a Head Girl. 

"Granger," Draco's voice appeared out of nowhere and Hermione's eyes opened. 

"What now?" She answered, exhausted. 

"I think our bathroom is connected," he said, coming into her room. 


"We're sharing a bathroom," he restated.

"Well..that's just not right! We should have separate facilities! I-"

"Relax, Granger." Draco laughed, climbing onto her bed. "We're roomies now. We're going to get very close. Maybe even as close as we did last year."

Hermione wanted to keep talking about it but she remembered why she was here. 

"Draco, we need to set one thing straight here. For as long as we're the Heads, no funny business can go on. Got it?" She stared at him directly in the eyes to let him know she meant business. 

"Nothing at all, huh?" He asked. 

"Nothing," Hermione confirmed. 

"Okay, fine. You have to stick to that too, then." 

"I will. It's the right thing to do," she said. "Now, we have to start our duties right away!"

"Ugh, Grangerrr."

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