One Week

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It had been a week since Hermione and Draco had confessed their true feelings for each other in the small closet outside the Slytherin Common Room. Things had not been easier for them-sneaking around and all. Hermione was suspicious of everyone; if someone gave her too long of a look, she would get overly cautious of her next movements. 

She asked herself if all this stress was worth it. Of course it was. Hermione wasn't exactly sure what she and Draco were. More than friends, but not exactly boyfriend and girlfriend. Two people who cared about each other but couldn't be together and also still couldn't believe why or how they were attracted to each other? Yeah, that. 

On top of that, Zack was becoming increasingly clingy. If Hermione was by Harry and Ron, Zack would butt right in and follow her afterwards. He was her friend, but sometimes she wished he would back off a little.

"Hey 'Mione," a voice from behind her brought Hermione's attention back to reality. She looked up to see a petite red head looking back at her. 

"Hi Ginny! What's up?" Hermione said, clearing her stuff from the couch so Ginny could take a seat next to her. 

She took a deep breath. "Finally finished my homework. I just wanted to talk to seems like you're always busy nowadays."

Hermione's pulse quickened at her last sentence. What did she mean always busy? Did Ginny know? No, of course not. She had triple checked every time before and after talking to Draco, there was no way. 

"Well, you know me. Homework, homework, homework. And then I practice spells with Harry to practice for Final Task."

Ginny smoothed out her red hair. "I'm worried for him. Harry."

Hermione nodded. "Me too. I can't imagine how he feels right now."

Ginny looked down at her lap. "Remember what he said at lunch yesterday..I wanted to talk to you about it."

Hermione froze. What was she talking about? "What part..exactly?"

She looked at Hermione, wide eyed. "The part where he says that he's been going through a lot but didn't want us to ask any questions."

Hermione blinked. Had she not been listening to her best friend talk during lunch? She couldn't even remember yesterday during lunch. Then it hit her..she spent the whole time worrying if Blaise caught Hermione looking at Draco during lunch. 

Her stomach flipped when she realize what a horrible friend she had been being lately. How could she be so selfish? 

She got up. "I'm sorry Ginny, I have to go."


Hermione was under the Invisibility Cloak and was speed walking as quietly as possible. She was so angry at herself. Harry and Ron were sound asleep so she couldn't talk to them. 

She felt herself shiver, so she knew she was there-the Slytherin Dungeons. Coming here a lot in the past week, she easily slipped in as some other Slytherins did, just in time to see Draco, tieless, with Blaise and Theo in the corner, talking. 

Hermione was angry, but still knew to be smart. She also knew how to have some fun. Silently, she tiptoed up to Draco, right behind him and eavesdropped on their conversation. 

"But seriously Malfoy, there's going to be a sick party in the secret passage on Friday and there all the girls are going to be there," Theo said, and Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. This should be interesting. 

"And Pansy has been raving about you. You need to hit that at the party," Blaise added with a smirk that very Malfoy-like. 

Draco ran his hand over his blond hair and sighed. "We'll see, mates."

What? Hermione pinched his ear hard and Draco yelped in pain. 

"You okay?" Theo eyed him. 

"Yeah," Draco replied, clearing his throat. "I have to use the bathroom. Be right back."

With that, Hermione followed Draco out into the dungeons. 

"What the hell, Granger?" Draco hissed as Hermione pulled the cloak off to reveal her head full of wild curls. 

"You deserved it, considering hooking up with Pansy," Hermione's eyes were full of disgust. 

Draco rolled his eyes. "You have no right eavesdropping like that! And obviously I had to say I was into, it's not like I can say I'm you know.."

Oh. Of course he couldn't say that he was secretly seeing her.

"I'm sorry I pinched you," Hermione muttered softly. 

Draco grinned at her. "What was that? Couldn't hear."

Hermione laughed, "Well, I was only going to say it once."

He smirked and looked around before grabbing Hermione's hand. "What brings you to my dungeon on a Wednesday night? Hoping to join the Slytherin house?"

"Not a chance," Hermione scoffed. She remembered why she came. "I need to talk to you."


Hermione took a deep breath. "Do you think that I've been not myself lately?"

Draco stared at her. "What do you mean?"

She sighed and ran a hand under her hair. "Ginny told that Harry says that he's been going through a lot lately. I was too distracted to know. I would have never done this before, I don't know what's up with me!"

Draco put his hand on her shoulder. "You know,'re not the only one who's been distracted lately. All I can think about is when I get to see you next. Except that I can't just walk up to you like a normal person. It sucks," he ran his hand down her face and looked into her brown eyes, "but it's worth it. For me, anyways."

Hermione drew in a breath. "It's worth it for me, too. I just don't want my friendships to suffer."

His grey eyes bore right into hers, intently. "You're Hermione Granger. You'll find a way."

Her heart fluttered. Never would she imagine Draco saying something that nice to anyone, let alone her. Those two sentences made Hermione wrap her arms around him and kiss his cheek softly. 

"Thanks, Draco." He wrapped his arms around her tighter. 

"I have to go," Hermione muttered, pulling away. "Try not to hook up with Pansy."

He shook his head, looking back at her. "Goodnight, Granger."

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