Demanding Answers

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I apologize for not updating as soon as I would like :( I could really use another Christmas break.

Anyways, I appreciate all your comments guys! I hope you like this chapter-Hermione is getting more and more suspcious of Zack and Draco. \

This chapter may be a little dramatic, but a little drama never hurt.

'"What in the name of Merlin is happening between you and Draco?" Hermione asked, walking fast to catch up to Zack's angry pace.

He was speed walking with clenched fists, the same, warrior-like expression glued to his face. Hermione had never seen this side of Zack before, and didn't know whether to be a little nervous or stare, marveled, at the gleam in his eyes and how intense it was..

But, the number one thing on her mind right now, and that was what Draco and Zack were referring to that got Draco to stop so suddenly when he looked like he was going to murder Zack.

"Nothing, let's just forget, okay?" Zack said, half frustrated, half desperate to change the subject.

Hermione nodded but knew that she wasn't going to forget about it.

She sat down with him in the Common Room, waiting for the others to return, in a comfortable silence. They were both thinking, and Hermione wanted more than anything to read his mind right now.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny came in through the door, beaming and laughing at something Fred and George were saying about Oliver before the game, and Hermione brightened up instantly. The whole crowd started talking in the Common Room. The party was going to start in a couple hours and everyone seemed pretty thrilled about that.

Normally Zack would've been more than pumped at the sound of a Quidditch party, but today, everything seemed off.

"Hermione!" Harry came over, a big grin spread across his face.

Hermione ran to him and gave him a hug. "Harry! Great job on the game!"

They let go of each other and Harry smiled. "Thanks, Hermione. You're coming to the party, right?"

"Oh, Harry, I-"

Zack was suddenly behind Hermione and cut in, "She'll be there!"

Hermione gave him a look but was amused by his appearance, and relieved that he wasn't still furious. She smiled.

Harry looked sastisfyed and headed off to talk to his teammates and everyone else.

Hermione turned to face Zack. "I didn't realize that you were my spokesperson now."

He half-smiled at her and Hermione gave him a look that wanted an explaination. His dark eyes gleamed. "I'm not going to the party alone."

Hermione laughed before saying, "We have exactly an hour till the party which means I have exactly an hour to study!"

He laughed. "Of course."

Hermione waved before heading off towards the library.


(Draco's P.O.V.)

The library was getting cold and I cursed myself for having to come here in the first place. But there were no other people in the library at this hour because of the big Quiddtich game, not even Madam Pince who was on a break. This was the perfect time to get the job done since I knew that dunderhead cousin of mine would take foever and a day to get it done.

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