Until Tomorrow

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Hermione woke up the next morning feelings like a piece was complete. Like she had fun for real for the first time. She instantly thought of the damage she and Draco made yesterday and began to laugh (which made Lavender groan at her-she was not a sight in the morning). 

And just when she thought her spirits couldn't be lifted any higher, she remembered that tomorrow was the Yule Ball. She felt light inside when she remembered her dress, her date, and her expectations for the ball-it was going to be amazing. 

All the girls sorrounding seemed to have remembered also. They were all in a better mood than their usual I-just-got-out-of-bed-don't-talk-or-look-at-me mood. Rather, some girls looked distant, as if they were imagining their princes taking them to the fairytale shortly, and some were grinning and squealing. 

"One more day!" Hermione was sure she heard Lavender say (she must've been out of her grumpy mood already).

Hermione quickly got ready and met Harry and Ron in the Common Room. They were talking seriously and Hermione sensed something was up. 

Something was up. When she approached them, Harry and Ron were so deep in conversation, they didn't realize she was there until Hermione tapped Ron's back.

"Merlin, Hermione! You could've given me a heart-attack!"

Hermione frowned at him. "What's up with you two?"

Harry looked at her, he seemed angry. "Oh, it's nothing. Just Rita Skeeter again."

"What? That prat is still writing lies across the Wizarding World?" Hermione was furious. She hated that Rita Skeeter. She was one big, fat liar.

"Yes, but it's fine. I was angry at first, but now..Let's go get some breakfast," Harry ended, almost as if he didn't want Hermione to get involved. Hermione looked hesitant, she wanted to find out what happened, but decided against it as her stomach let out a huge growl. 

The trio made their way to the Great Hall and sat down in their usual spots in the Gryffindor table. The room was extra loud today; the Yule Ball was the only thing anyone could talk about. 

Ron immediatley reached for his food, while Hermione studied Harry before loading her plate up. Ginny came to sit near them, and shortly after, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan came around, laughing at some new prank they invented. 

"Oi! Harry, Ron!" Fred called out, taking a seat next to Hermione. 

"Did you guys hear about FIlch's mess he had to clean last night? It was brilliant!" George explained, and then it hit Hermione hard that they were laughing at what happened with her and Draco yesterday, not a new prank.

She swallowed, and looked down at her food, pretending to be oblivious. 

"What did you guys do this time?" Harry asked, amused. Ron smiled at his brothers, preparing for a story.

Fred and George started laughing. "Actually, it wasn't us this time."

Ron and Harry exchanged a look; Fred and George were the two biggest pranksters ever at Hogwarts (except for Sirius and James, of course). They wondered who would go to the extremes to pull this off. 

"Well, actually we heard that it was by accident," Lee piped in, while the twins started to laugh. 

"Whoever did it is hilorious!" Fred exclaimed, clapping George's hand. 

Hermione looked up, now. She wasn't in trouble. Nobody knew it was her, and if they did, who cared? They only wanted to have a little fun. And they cleaned up most of the mess, anyway. 

"So," George said, now completely serious but with someting glimmering in his eyes as he spoke, "You two excited for the ball tomorrow?"

Ron groaned. "Well, that's all anybody can talk about. We get it-there's a bloody ball, next"

Fred and George looked amused. "Someone didn't get a good one, now did he?"

Ron rolled his eyes. "Doesn't matter. This whole thing is stupid! Of course you two have nothing to complain about-You have fine dress robes and nice dates."

"Wait," Fred looked at Ron, "What's wrong with your dress robes?"

Ron's cheeks grew redder and redder by the second. "Mum gave me the wrong kind, that's all."

With that, Fred and George broke into a huge fit of laughter, banging the table to emphasis the amusement of Ron wearing girly like robes to a major event. Ron looked away, cheeks flushed. Harry looked like he wanted to laugh, but didn't. 

"I think you'll be fine, Ronald," Hermione said, attempting to make him feel better. He was always so senstiive. 

"Whatever. Can't wait to get the stupid thing over with. You must be happy, though. Going with your dream guy and everything," Ron said to her. 

Hermione remained silent, thinking. The boys engaged in a new conversation about Quidditch and Hermione turned her head towards the Slytherin table, and saw a pair a grey eyes looking right back at her. Her heart sped up, and she turned away. Why was he looking at her? He had lots of frieneds, so he should be talking to them. 

They were friends now (at least that's what Hermione thought, they had to be), so she turned back to look at Draco again without him staring back at her, but he was still looking. Right. Back. At. Her. 

She smild, and he returned the smile, his eyes genuinely happy. Hermione felt like laughing all over again because of yesterday's events, but held it in. Draco looked like he was feeling the same way.

Hermione turned around again and listened to her friends talk it out. She was curious. Draco was looking right back at her both times. It was probably a coincidence. Then again, she felt like he was still staring at her back, it was like she could feel more weight on it than usual.

She was being paranoid. Before Hermione could help herself, she turned around one more time, this time halfway, hair in her face so she didn't look too much like a creep, and yet, Draco was still looking right at her. Slowly, Hermione turned back. She knew it.   

Hermione smiled when she realized how much laughter she would have to hold back in Transfiguration class today. With that thought, she was excited to get a move on with her day and hurry up to the last class of the day, which was a rare desire.

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