Hogsmeade Trip

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Hey guys, this chapter is longer than usual, just to let you know! A lot happens and I hope y'all like it!!! Thanks so much for reading and have a good weekend!!! XX

(P.S. I tried to write this quicker than usual, so I apologize for any errors!! PLEASE ENJOY!)


The next morning, Hermione woke up to the sound of other fourth-year Gryffindor girls squealing and exchanging ideas about the day. Hermione wondered why everyone was in such a happy mood today and then she realized today was a Saturday.

A Hogsmeade trip.

Suddenly, Hermione was very excited. She hadn't been to Hogsmeade since last school year when she went with Ron. 

She got out of her comfortable bed and put on her warm robes and gloves; the October weather was freezing. 

Hermoine just brushed her hair back but didn't spend too much time on it. Her hair could never be tamed anyway. 

"Hermione!" Lavender Brown came up to her from the large group of girls who were gossiping in a circle. 

"Hey Lavender," Hermione replied. She wasn't close with her but now since they had that moment where they acted like friends, she supposed they were on conversation terms. Lavender seemed giddy today, she was even wearing a little makeup.

"Aren't you excited? For today, I mean," Lavender was bouncing on the heels of feet with a huge grin plastered on her face. 

"For Hogsmeade? Yeah, I love it there. Although it's going to be cold, I-"

"No! Not just for that!" Lavender interrupted Hermione, which led Hermione to stare at her, extremely boggled. "What I mean is," Lavender continued, trying to explain herself because she didn't want to come off as completely rude, "We're all going dress shopping! Today! At Hogsmeade! You have to come, or I don't know where else you're going to get your dress unless you have already. This is the only opportunity you are going to get to go shopping, not to mention before all the cute dresses go out. We're all so excited and-"

"Oh, ok. Yeah, that sounds fun," Hermione butted in, anxious to get her to shut up. Lavender now just reminded her of a merpeople Hermione learned about; Lavender was pretty and somewhat nice when you got to know her, but once you were exposed to her natural self, she got annoying really fast. 

"So you'll come?" Lavender asked as if nothing had happened. "We're going to meet up in the Three Broomsticks at twelve thirty. Madam Rosmerta says she knows the perfect place of where to go and what we'll want."

"Alright, sounds good. I am going to hang out with Harry and Ron for a little bit, too." Hermione just wanted to be sure that she wasn't going to stuck dress shoppoing for the whole trip.

Lavender made a sound at the back of throat, but before she could make a comment, Ginny Weasley came in and asked Hermione if she was going or not and then all the girls started forming a circling, Hermione included, and gushed all over agian. 

This is going to be a long day, Hermione thought. 


Hermione walked to the Common Room and was relieved to see Harry and Ron talking to Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan. 

"Hey," Hermione entered the group and Harry and Ron took off from thier group, leaving Neville a and Seamus talking alone, and then Dean Thomas joining in moments later. 

"Excited for Hogsmeade?" Harry asked. 

"Very. We're going to go dress shopping, you know, for the Yule Ball and everyting," Hermione filled the boys in. 

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