Down at the Quidditch Pitch

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***Hey guys so this is my first ever Dramione fanfiction and hope y'all enjoy!! I apologize for any errors (I proof-read but could've still made a mistake!)

Only about a third of my story is up right now, so if you like please be patient for the rest!!!!!!

Follow me on tumblr: highmaintenance-girl !!! Love you all <3*****


"We're off to practice Quidditch, Hermione, want to join?" Harry Potter, one of Hermione Granger's closest friends, told her while she was in the middle of an essay for Ancient Runes.

"Yeah, come on Hermione. You need to take a break, really. Exams aren't for weeks!" Ron Weasley, Hermione's other closest friend, piped in.

It was a sunny afternoon and Hermione was in the Gryffindor commonroom, cozing up in a chair with her endless assignments. She was taking so many classes as it was, so she had to stay on top of her workload. However, she had been working for so long now, and she was starting to lose her train of thought. Perhaps some fresh air would do her good.

"Okay," Hermione agreed, stretching out, "As long as we're back shortly. I had to practice my new charms; Professor Flitwick keeps adding one after another!"

Ron scowled and Harry grinned. He grabbed his Firebolt and headed out to the Quidditch field. It was the trio's fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and they loved every second of it. Well, excluding the fact that Harry's name mysteriously got selected from the Goblet of Fire, that is. Hermione and some others had helped Harry give him an idea of how to complete the first two tasks. There were no hints for the final one, so they were going to have to wait until the Champions meet up again shortly. But for now, the group was trying to have as much fun as possible.

"You're lucky you don't have to take the exams, Harry!" Ron said, as the gang made their way past Ravenclaw third-years.

"Exams aren't that bad; it's not that much of a treat," replied Harry in effort to make Ron feel better. Earlier that year, Ron and Harry got in a fight about Harry's name in the Goblet. Hermione strongly suspected Ron was jelous that Harry always got attention, and this was another way to get more. But after the first task of the Hungarian Horntail, Ron knew Harry hadn't and they made up-although, she still thought Ron got occassionally envious.

"Ron, we can study for Potions and Transfiguration together. I have excellent notes!" Hermione suggested.

Ron snorted. "Like I can read your tiny writing!"

"Oh great...,"Harry muttered and the others looked to their right to see Draco Malfoy with Crabbe, Goyle, and a few other Slytherins.

"Just ignore them." Hermione said firmly. But it was too late-Malfoy had spotted them and came walking followed closely by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Potter!" Malfoy half-shouted, approaching them. "Came to practice a little Quidditch now that's it's gone?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Harry said, gripping his Firebolt.

At that moment, it looked like Malfoy was about to say something with a smirk, but Viktor Krum came soaring down and interrupted the scene. He landed forcefullly. Ron, Harry, and Draco were staring at him perplexed, but Krum was only looking at one person, smiling broad.

"Herm-own-ninny!" Viktor looked up at Hermione while her cheeks flushed scarlet. Ron looked furious and turned away.

"Well, well. Didn't know you had a boyfriend, Granger." Malfoy broke the scene looking bemused. Crabbe and Goyle chuckled behind him.

"No...he's not my boyfrie-" Hermione started.

"Oh no, Granger, don't deny it. I'm sure he," Malfoy gestured toward Krum,"wouldn't quite like that. So tell me," he spoke to Krum now,"have you been attracted to bushy hair know-it-alls your whole life, or did a Quaffle hit you too hard in the head?" Crabbe and Goyle roared with laughter and Hermione blushed embarassed.

"Actually," Krum spoke with no amusement, in fact he looked berfeted."Actually, I wanted to ask you something in private..."

Malfoy looked up at her with a smirk. "Granger, looks like someone is going to ask you to the Yule Ball!"

"That is not true," Hermione said circumspectly and snuck a glance at Krum who was pacing back and forth.

"Actually, vat's okay. I guess i vee you around later...?" Krum finished lamely.

As he walked away, there was a brief moment of awkwawd tension. Hermione had been in the library several times throughout the year and, obviously, observed Viktor there as well. However, he was always with his group of followers, so she never even considered Viktor liked her, or wanted to ask her out to the Yule Ball. One group at the way he was acting, and the look on Malfoy's face, told her Malfoy was right about what Krum intended on doing.

Malfoy let out a loud snort. "Didn't know a tough guy like that could get so nervous over her," Malfoy brought Hermione's attention back to the present.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Ron sneered, "Loads of guys would go to the ball with Hermione. I don't see anyone lining up at your feet!"

Harry and Hermione laughed while Malfoy clenched his fists."You'll pay for that one, Weasley!" And with that, Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy set off to leave. The others then left shortly too. Ron grumbled something about a waste of time when Hermione tripped over a broomstick and came flying down facefoward. Much to her consternation, she caught Ron's robes just in time to keep herself from getitng a stain.

"Thanks, Ron-Malfoy!" Hermione looked taken aback at the fact that it was indeed Malfoy she held onto, not Ron.

"Watch your step, Granger. I certainly don't want Mudblood all over me," he sneered.

"Come on, let's go," Harry led the others back to the commonroom, with a trace of perplexion in his eyes.

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