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A calm had settled over Hermione during the last few days of September. Having put his seduction campaign on hold, she had only seen Malfoy in passion, never exchanging a word or a glance with him as they went their separate ways. She wasn't surprised by his sudden retreat, especially after the incident in the library. She occasionally smiled proudly to herself in recollection of her prowess in that awesome moment when she had unexpectedly pulled her wand on him. However, although she had found peace and relief in Malfoy's withdrawal, her life had become extremely unnerving in other ways.

Every night, the same dream came to her. The flames from the dragon felt like Malfoy's warm hands on her skin, and with every dream, the sensations intensified. Hermione was unsettled and alarmed by her graphic sexual fantasies. What was even more alarming was that she actually enjoyed them.

Even though there had been no activity on the Malfoy front, everyone else at Hogwarts was watching Hermione's every move, wondering when it was going to happen. Everywhere she went, a wave of murmurs would erupt and follow her. 

To make matters worse, Ron had suddenly taken an interest in her life and was walking her to classes and spending his every waking moment with her. Knowing that Ron was easily jealous, she suspected that his actions were due to a sense of obligation to keep her far away from Malfoy rather than a feeling of love. 

With Ron acting as her shadow and everyone else eyeing her like a hawk, Hermione found herself escaping to her room earlier each night to study. When September 30th came, she asked a prefect to take over her patrol shift, wanting to take the night off for herself.

She wore her favorite nightgown to bed. It was long, sleeveless, and white with tiny pink flowers all over it. It even had a matching robe. After finishing her homework, Hermione finally had time to relax and do her favorite thing before going to bed: reading a book.

Turning the page of her already battered copy of the revised version of Hogwarts: A History, Hermione stiffened when she heard a loud creak. She knew it was Malfoy before she turned to find him standing at her bathroom door wearing his usual silky green boxers. She slammed her book shut. 

"Why do you keep doing that? And an even better question- what are you doing here?" she snapped, pulling the sheets up over her modest nightgown.

"You invited me, Granger."

"Excuse me? I certainly did not."

"Au contraire," he began, closing the bathroom door and stepping into the room.

"I never invited you into my bedroom, Malfoy. Perhaps you were dreaming because I would never, in my right mind, do such a thing," she stated caustically.

"You left your door open, Granger. I consider that a blatant invitation," he said suggestively, slowly slithering towards her. 

Hermione started edging towards the opposite side of the bed, silently berating herself for forgetting to lock the door. She began to realize that this was all a part of Malfoy's strategy. He had lured her into a false sense of security over the past several days, and she had fallen for it. But she refused to be his pretty and play right into his both a literal and figurative sense. 

"Malfoy, you've had your fun. You've managed to startle me yet again. Now leave."

He grinned. 

"Amazingly enough, you've been enraptured with a book every time I've managed to startle you. Interesting. Then again, you aren't considering a bookworm for nothing."

As Malfoy drew dangerously close to her bed, Hermione sought for her wand. Realizing it was in her book bag by her desk, she settled on her copy of her book and lifted it above her head like a weapon.

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