It Pays to be Invisible

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A/N: I'm in the process of writing some more Draco fanfic, so I'm sorry if these updates don't happen as frequent as I would like!

Random, but I really want to move somewhere warm like Hawaii.

Anyone got a good Wattpad Dramione Reading List they could share..?

Anyways, this chapter is mostly about Hermione eavesdropping and some more things :)

Hermione slipped on the Invisibility Cloak and thought a little before exiting the Common Room. Was what she doing smart? She huffed as she thought about why this made her so angry in the first place, Draco and Zack keeping a secret from her.

She convinced herself it was because Zack was a close friend and that was a good enough reason as any. Friends had to do what was best for one anther. Hermione's face set into a determined look and she quietly sneaked out of the Common Room, without the Fat Lady suspecting anything.

She knew that Zack and Draco always went to the Slytherin dungeons whenever they had to talk. Hermione quietly traveled down the stairs and shivered of the sudden temperature drop from being close to the lake.

Hermione remembered a while ago when she and Draco were by the lake and how he changed ever since he came back from his manor that day. She wondered to know more than anything what had happened that had made them seperate so much.

At last, she saw a flash of blonde and dark brown hair discussing something and Hermione had to face a problem-the door was closed and she had to get inside the room in order to hear what they were saying.

She inwardly hit herself. Of course they would close the door. It's not like they were expecting someone in an Invisability Cloak to be eavesdropping and needing an easy entrance to get in.

Quickly, she pulled out her wand. Hermione thought better when she had her wand right in front of her. She laid out her options. Hermione could either, (a) stay out here and not risk getting caught by the pair of them, this one was her safest option, (b) do a muting charm and slowly open the door and slip in, or (c) use Fred and George's Extendable Ears, but she had no time for that.

She was a Gryffindor, so, naturally, she chose option b. Hermione silently chast a charm upon the door and was pleased with the outcome. The door gleamed for a very short time and Hermione knew that it was good to go.

She looked hard at the boys and knew this would be as good as a time as any. They were arguing now. Draco was throwing his arms in the air as if to make an obvious point and Hermione knew she wasting time.

She took a deep breath before slowly turning the knob, opening it a couple inches, and allowing herself in. Hermione immediatley looked around and was thankful that they remained arguing, not aware of what just happened.

Hermione stood and listened.

"Why do it matter?" Draco yelled at Zack who held his furious gaze, "It matters, Zack! It matters a lot if you don't want to upset him!"

Something raged through Zack and he yelled back with full anger, "I've been working as much as I can! I have to do my homework, perform well in Quidditch, and have somewhat of a social life you prat!"

Draco fists clenched tighter and tighter and his faced hardened like a rock. "Don't you try to make it seem like you have so much to do! In case you remember, this is our first priority!"

Zack let out a mirthelss laugh. "Because your daddy said so? Well, guess what, Draco, you may be scared of what he'll do to you if you don't get your job done, but I'm not. I never asked for this, I never wanted this! I'm not doing it, and they can't force me!"

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