Change of Heart

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~~~ Hey guys:

Before reading this chapter, I'd like to clarify that, yes, in this part of the story it's taking place after the war. The beginning of it was the fourth year, more like their early teen years. There will be a few more chapters left. I really hope you guys like this! More to come :)


There were only two weeks left until the costume ball. It was also the day before the first Hogsmeade trip. Naturally, all the students were buzzing with costume ideas and gossip as they entered Professor McGonagall's classroom for their N.E.W.T.'s level Transfiguration class.

Hermione found it difficult to participate in her classmates' excitement as she sat down next to Ron and harry at their usual table in the front of the classroom. She hadn't given much thought to costume ideas or who was going with whom or the usual topics that had sprung up in general conversation. For the past week, Draco had been ignoring her...and that was all her mind could focus on.

She had tried escaping to the library and throwing herself into homework and books, but her usual methods of distractions weren't working. To make matters worse, Ron had been increasingly adamant about consummating their relationship, and Hermione was running out of plausible excuses to avoid any sort of intimacy with him.

Hermione became suddenly alert as Draco walked into the classroom followed by Pansy Parkinson. She tried to ignore the leap of jealousy in her heart as she watched them sit down together in the back with the other Slytherins.

"What about Romeo and Juliet for costumes?" Ron suggested, stirring Hermione from her dark thoughts.

"I think going as star-crossed lovers would be...romantic," he continued suavely.

"They both die in the end, Ronald," Hermione replied stiffly.

Ron's ears turned bright red.

"Oh. Right," he said sheepishly.

"Your attention, please!" McGonagall's voice suddenly rang.

The class immediately grew silent.

"While I do understand that upcoming events have sparked your interest, please save any chatter not pertaining to transfiguration for outside my class. And now I bring your attention to an upcoming event that I fear will bring you less excitement. I am, of course, referring to your N.E.W.T.'s examinations."

Hermione was the only student who seemed to perk up at the mention of examinations. Meanwhile, groans could be heard spreading across the rest of the classroom.

"I mentioned at the start of classes," McGonagall continued, "that most of this year's curriculum was mainly review in preparation for exams. Today, we'll be reviewing switching spells. More specifically, we will be performing cross-species switching spells. I see that most of you," she eyed Neville sharply, who gulped, "followed my instructions from our last meeting and brought your animal to class today. I would like each of you to find a partner with a different type of animal. For instance, if you have a toad, find someone with either a cat or an owl. You will then transform your animal into that of your partner's. I will assess your product at the end of the hour. If there are no questions, you may begin."

Harry automatically left his chair to find a partner as Ron turned eagerly to Hermione, wand at the ready. Already dreading the next hour, Hermione slowly pulled out her wand and then stopped at the sound of McGonagall's voice. 

"Miss Granger. Mr. Malfoy. A moment, please," she ordered.

Heart racing in anticipation of being near Malfoy for the first time since their fight, Hermione walked with trembling knees to McGonagall's desk. A few moments later, Malfoy swaggered forward and stood silently beside her. The tension was painful.

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