Spying on Draco

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Hermione couldn't sleep at all that night. All that she could think about was why Zack and Draco were lying to her. Then, after she got mad, she would wonder why she was so bothered by this in the first place. Zack was her good friend, but Draco...Hermione wasn't really sure what they were. 

They had one good night together and that's all to it. Hermione told herself that he still thought of her as a Mudblood and just wanted to dance with someone that night. But...Hermione let her mind drift off to all the fun times the had together. 

Hermione had a plan. She was going to go on a stake-out a found out what exactly Draco is up to. 

Her mind kept playing back to last night where Draco and Zack were getting very fiesty over a Gryffindor. She wondered who that could be. Zack hasn't really talked to many people except herself, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. She made a mental note to keep an eye on what Gryffindor he talks to. 

After a long night of thinking and laying there, the sun rose up and Hermione knew it would only be a matter of minutes before the girls got ready to go to Hogsmeade today. 

As predicted, the Gryffindor girls woke up and started to groggily talk about what stores they were going to hit up today. Hermione waited until the last girl, Lavender, left and changed the color of her cloak to black-Hermione had always wanted to dress in black like a full out spy-and pulled out Harry's Invisibility Cloak she still had from the previous night. 

This was going to be something. She's either going to get good information, or do something really stupid. Hermione shrugged before heading out of the room. What's being a Gryffindor without a little risk?


Hermione saw the students walking towards Hogsmeade happily with their friends and she kept a close eye on Draco who was looking around before heading upstairs. Hermione waited a couple of seconds later and then followed silently. 

Draco looked out the window for a second, as if considering something, then took some Floo Powder in his hand and shouted, "MALFOY MANNER," not so enthusiastically as Hermione would have thought. She shurgged and then moments later did the same, but quietly. 

Shoot. She really didn't think this through. Her landing was going to make a lot of noise. Draco and possibly his family would hear Hermione come in. For the few seconds that Hermione was traveling through air, she deeply regretted it. 

However, Hermione was extremely relieved to find out that there was a rather large group of people gathered in the Malfoy Manor and the noise drained Hermione out. 

Wait a minute..why were there so many people here?

"Draco's here!" Narcissa came forward and hugged Draco tightly while he looked surprised, yet hugged her back nonetheless. 

Hermione took it all in and began to see all the odd people in their house. Draco didn't look completely comfortable with this scene either, Hermione studied him carefully. 

"Draco," Lucius came forward and spoke in that deep voice Hermione knew too well from second year. "Glad you could come. Where's Zack?" He pretended to peer around the room although Hermione knew that he noticed Zack's absence the moment Draco Floo'd in.

"Oh, he's, uh, practicing Quidditch all day. Couldn't make ti but says he'll be there next time," Draco looked at his father while Lucius glared. 

"Well, isn't that just great," a crazy lady with big, black curls came up right next to Draco and Hermione almost let out a shout, "Now we can spend more time with each other."

Draco nervously laughed and pretended he had to go talk to his mother who gave him yet another bear hug. 

There was conversation buzzing around the room, Hermione studied, but not the type that was like in a classroom. It was a very different tone. The voices were lower, it was darker in the room, noone smiled in a friendly manner. Hermoine's ideas of what this could be were going up every second longer she spent in the room. 

At last, "Well, let's get this meeting started, shall we?" Lucius's deep voice boomed through the room and eventally the voices came to a rest and all eyes were watching him. Lucius smirked. 

"We all know why we are here today,"Lucius smiled pridely to the crowd and the lady with the big black hair gave a startling grin back. "Well, everyone here except for Draco, that is."

All eyes shifted to Draco, some filled with excitement, others jealousy. Draco shifted awkwardly from all the attention on him and Hermione knew that he was going to hate what was coming next. 

"Draco, come on up here," Lucius gestured for Draco to stand next to him. Draco hesitated for only a second before walking up there. 

"My boy has been given the life-changing opportunity to do a big task for the Dark Lord himself," the group was silent for a moment and then the looked at Draco in awe as if he was the luckiest person alive, "Now, now. Settle down. Not only has the Dark Lord chosen Draco personally for this task, but he also wants to arrange a private meeting with him in person. He mentioned something about Draco finding his key to immorality in the grounds of Hogwarts."

Lucius looked proudly at Draco. Draco turned even paler than Hermione had even seen him. And Hermione was very pale right now. The Dark Lord? She couldn't this was actually true! Sure, Hermione had her small suspicions that the Malfoys were alliances with him, but never this far. 

Hermione's mind was racing fast but all she could do was think of how Draco must be handling this. She had to go somewhere quiet and think. But Hermione didn't want to leave just yet. She silently walked upstairs and went into a big bedroom on her left that had a door open. The people from the downstairs couldn't see her from down there. 

Hermione's heart was pounding. Why did she have to come here? Why?

Just as she thought things couldn't get any worse, the situation did. The door opened more fully and no other than Draco ran inside and quickly fastened the door. The cheers and laughter from downstairs muted as the door shut and Hermione knew this was going to be even worse than watching Lucius announce the news: the aftermath. 

Draco rolled up his sleeves and collasped on his king size bed. She heard him scream and watched him and he beat up his fluffy, white pillow. Tears were furiously rolling down her cheeks and before Hermione could help it, before she realized that she was supposed to be invisible, "Draco," she whispered softly, so softly that she thought he didn't hear. 

He sniffed and looked up to where the sound of her voice came from 


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