Hogwarts Express

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Summer went by in a blink to Hermione. Normally she couldn't wait for summer to end to get back to school, but this summer was different. Hermione appreciated the time off and even started to socialize more and more. 

All of Hermione's bags were ready and packed for her train ride back to Hogwarts. She was going to meet Harry and Ron at the station. 

"Ready to go, 'Mione?" Hermione's mom asked, coming into her room. 

Hermione smiled. "Yes, I'm ready."

Mr. and Mrs. Granger were waiting for her in the car and Hermione took one last look at her Muggle home and knew she was going to miss her parents. But the anticipation and excitement to get back to Hogwarts was more than ever. 

After a long goodbye from her parents, Hermione grinned at she ran into Platform 9 3/4 and right away saw Harry's head in the middle of all the red headed Weasley's. 

"Hermione!" Harry smiled as Hermione made her way over and hugged him and Ron. 

"The train is almost loaded up and then we can choose our seats," Harry said.

"Hopefully somewhere close to the trolley," Ron commented and Hermione rolled her eyes.

"All right dears," Molly Weasley came up and gave them a big hug. "Looks like it's time for you to board now. I want you all to write to me and have a great school year."

"We will Mrs. Weasley!" Harry said.

The three of them said their goodbyes and got on the train, waving. 

Ginny took a seat next to Hermione and ran a hand through her red hair. 

Without thinking, Hermione's eyes starting wandering towards all the students that were entering the train. She wondered where Draco was. A few moments later, she saw Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabini in a group with Draco laughing loudly and claiming a compartment a few ones away from theirs. 

Ginny looked over at them too and leaned in towards Hermione, whispering, "Remember when we all hung out at the party..funny to think of how we were all kinda friends that night."

Hermione nodded. Of course she remembered that night that happened not so long ago. That was the night her and Draco got a little..passionate. 

Looking over at Draco now, it was hard to believe that he said all those things about her. He met her eyes and then looked away. Of course he looked away. It's not like he was going to say hi in front of everyone. 

The ride to Hogwarts was how it always was. Anticipation to get there already but enjoying the pretty scenery and being able to spend time with her friends. Harry, Ron, and Ginny were in a heated discussion about which Quidditch foul is the worst. There were 700 fouls so it was a long discussion. Hermione didn't mind though; it gave her a chance to think to herself. 

"Hermione?" Ron said, interrupting Hermione's thoughts. 


"I asked if you would go find the trolley and get us some Chocolate Frogs," Ron said, handing her some Galleons. 

"Oh, yeah, sure," Hermione said getting up. 

She followed the narrow hallway, saying hi to Neville and Luna as she walked down. 

"Tell Harry I say hi!" Neville called out to her and Hermione turned backward to smile.

As Hermione turned around again, she bumped into someone and almost fell backwards before catching herself.

"Watch where you're going!" A familiar voice yelled at her. 

"I'm sorry I-" Blonde hair. Draco. "Oh."

"Oh." He said, his malicious voice softening. 



"For the record, you should watch where you're going too," Hermione said in a serious voice. 

Draco looked around and said under his breath, "I'll see you around, Granger."

Hermione went back to the compartment, forgetting about the trolley, with a bitter feeling in her stomach. What did that mean? She knew this was going to happen but didn't realize how much this was going to make her feel. 

Hermione for once was not looking forward to this school year. 

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