Part 121 - Let Us Help You

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Red pov:

Mal sighed as she was thinking of what to do.

Mal: First thing, we need to remove these people.

Guard: we have placed each criminal to their respective crime, your majesty.

Red: Well, that helps. I have an idea.

Mal: Let me hear it, young ruler.

I roll my eyes.

Red: What if we let go of the vandals and thieves with a warning but keep the people who assaulted or murdered?

Mal: That's a pretty good idea. Let's do it.

I smile before facing the cells and announce the new changes. The guards then opened the cells and let out all the people. Everyone then left. After that mess, we finally got back to school. We ate food at the cafeteria as we noticed how everyone calmed down.

Mal: I do have a worry for you. Red.

Red: And that is?....

Mal: the Isle, we did the town, but the Isle is also part of this problem. We were supposed to go tonight but I think it's best to wait until tomorrow.

Red: Sure, we can wait until tomorrow. I just want to rest at this point.

Mal: Being a queen is a full-time job, especially in the beginning when you need to put everything in place.... but it does get easier, I promise you that.

Red: Thanks.... that's a little reassuring.... I'm still shocked that my mom decided to do that.

Chloe: You have us, Red.... you won't ever be alone.... and you will forever have me.

Red: Thanks, Chloe. I really appreciate those words.... I have a week to rule this land fully, so that's good.

Ruby: a whole week?

I nod before turning to Mal.

Red: Mal.... If you're willing, I'd like for you to teach me your knowledge, I sadly can't let you run this place or take over like I wish you could.

I then thought as to why she didn't try.

Red: Why haven't you tried to take over? I thought for sure you'd take the chance and try to go against me again.... why didn't you?

Everyone looked at Mal, also asking the same question. Mal took a deep breath.

Mal: Well, for 1. I kind of promised you I'd stop going against you.... but I also have been kind of enjoying not having to be a queen.

Chloe: What do you mean?

Evie: You loved being queen Mal, how come you say that?

Mal: I love it, sure, but.... it feels nice to rest, kind of do what I want. Being queen, I never really got a whole lot of sleep. And since We brought back Hades, I've been actually able to talk to him for more than 10 minutes..... but I do have something to confess later when we are all in the dorm.

Chloe then tried to change the subject to lighten up the mood from that last sentence Mal said. After eating, it was time to hear Mal, what Mal had to say. We all sat down in a circle in the middle of the room as we waited for Mal to speak.

Mal: I may know as to why Hades did all of this. Evie was out getting groceries when Hades came up to me and talked about me taking over when given the chance. I said I wouldn't, and he was slightly angry but brushed it off. When the queen did her announcement, he told me to take over because it would be the perfect chance to do so. I repeated what I said and that when he got angry and attacks me and Evie, I'm not sure why he decided to go after Ruby right then and there but I know for sure he's going to go after Red and all of us when his plan is setup.

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