Prologue & Chapter 1

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Ashton smirked down at his small 5'2 friend. "What? Can't reach." He held up the black iPhone. Messages popping up on the screen.

"Ash!" She laughed jumping up trying to reach the precious phone in her best friends hands. "Please give me it back." She batted her heavily make-upped eyelids at him. The amount of the make-up she used making her icy blue eyes seem to pop.

"No until you admit it!" Ashton laughed, moving his arm lower, still out of her reach.

"No. I do not like Michael Clifford." Bethany had a slight hint of anger in her voice.

"Lies." Ashton held it higher again.

"I don't though." She exclaimed, her wide eyes widening if it was even possible.

"Explain why when you saw him today in school with Cat, you got angry!"

She rolled her eyes, popping the gum. "I'm not in the mood for your games Irwin."

"You need to tell me tonight." He sighed, dropping the phone into her hands.

Chapter One


I pulled up my socks, fixing my mascara and putting on my chunky framed glasses. My hair tightly tied up in a pony tail. I grabbed my phone from is charging station and walked downstairs. My white boot converse hitting the steps lightly. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I grabbed my backpack, and white cardigan and walked out the house, just as Ashton beeped the horn of his new, but crappy, car.

I giggled locking the door behind me and walked to Ashton's car.

"Oh no, little miss goody-two-shoes is daring today with a short cut shirt and highwaisted shorts." Ashton teased as I slid into the front seat, fastening my seatbelt.

"You look as dark as ever." I laughed, connecting my phone to the CD player in the front of the car. Which was the only decent thing this rusty tin could do.

I pressed shuffle on my music, Paramore coming on.

Ashton smiled. "So fucking innocent." He cursed. Which in return made me slap him lightly on the arm.

"Language Ash." I warned. Making him howl with laughter.

"Sorry Mommy." Ashton had acted as if he was a child, parking into the school parking lot. Fixing his bandana as he hauled himself out of the car.

"Oh look." I stated, seeing Michael, Luke and Calum pull up a few parking spaces away from us.

"Nice tin can!" Michael smirked towards us, standing and leaning against his car.

"Better than your rust bucket." I laughed, then felt instantly bad for insulting someone. "Sorry." I muttered.

"You don't have to apologise to the asshole." Ashton wrapped his arm around !e protectively.

"Watch your back Irwin. We can hear you."

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