Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"I have a week." My aunt, Natalie, whispered, tears rolling down my face. Calum stood in the doorway.

"What?" I croaked, feeling the tears fall. "No. That can't be happening!" 

"Without the medicine, it got worse quicker than the doctors expected. And since you're not eighteen, we have a problem." She sat me down after seeing me sway slightly, my head spinning. "So Calum spoke to his mum after the doctor appointment this morning, and asked if you could be under her care, so she would be your new carer." She looked at the clock on the wall and Calum placed himself next to me. "I have to go the hospital now, they're keeping me in for a night to see how things are, while this happens Joy, Mali, David, Calum and yourself are going to go down the town hall, and she's gonna sign the papers with you."

"I'll come visit you straight after, okay?" I whispered, still crying. Calum rubbing my back softly. She nodded, and a car parked up outside the house. Calum stood me up, and pulled me outside to the taxi. In the back of the car, he hugged me tightly as we drove. "C-Calum she can't have only a week left, the doctors must of gotten it wrong!" 

"Have you seen how sunken her features are, and how skinny she is?" Calum whispered. "She won't last long, she can't keep food down."

The rest of the car ride was silent. My phone buzzing in my hand although I ignored it. Calum helped me out of the car, and walked inside the town hall, everyone giving me weird looks.

"Want me to mind it?" He gestured to my phone and I nodded, he took it from me and slid it into my pocket. He sat me down on the uncomfy plastic chair in the waiting area as he went and spoke to the receptionist. He came back with tissues too. I wiped my tears with the tissues and the receptionist lead us to a room. There sat Calum's family, whom I had never met.

"Sorry about the way I look right now, I just found out." I croaked quietly.

"It's alright." Joy smiled and hugged me tightly, before we sat down on the slightly more comfy chairs of the office.

"We need you both to read through the document and sign it." The older woman behind the desk smiled. I nodded and she handed the document to me and I read through it, my hands shaking slightly due to me crying. I handed it to Joy so she could read through. 

"Does it seem okay to you?" She smiled over at me. I nodded, not wanting to speak due to how weak my voice would be. She placed it on the desk, taking the crappy cheap pen they provided. "You can still call Natalie aunt." She smiled at me and signed it in the area, before sliding it over to me. I smiled weakly and signed it. The old woman smiled and typed something into her computer.

"Joy Koa Hood and David Hood, you are now parents of Bethany Hood."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now