Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I sat in my room. Looking at all my band posters.

All time low.

My Chemical Romance.

And others.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My chunky glasses sitting on my face perfectly. I pulled all my hair out of my face, tying my hair in a messy bun.

I sat on my bed, putting music on and doing my homework. My glasses slipping down every once in a while. Which then required me to push them back up.

"Bethany! Dinner is cooked." My auntie yelled from downstairs. I groaned internally, swinging my legs off the side of the bed and shuffling downstairs. There sat Ashton and my aunt.

"When did you get here?" I asked. Sitting in my usual spot, not making eye contact with Ashton.

"I invited him sweety." My aunt cooed pinching his cheeks. I rolled my eyes, eating the pizza on my plate and sipping the soda water in the glass. "Ashton told me you punched multiple people in school today."

"Well he shouldn't of should he?" I snarled, sending a glare in the direction of Ashton.

"Why did you punch someone?" She pressed.

"Stop prying into my life. I'm going out." I snapped, walking off, walking upstairs grabbing my phone and dressing in a black band shirt of All Time Low and black leggings before walking down stairs and out of the house. Hearing my name in Ashton's and my aunts chat.

I made my way to the park, walking around as the sun set. I sat on a bench and leaned my head back.

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up, sending the person backwards. "Bethany."

"Luke?" I squeaked. He sat beside me.

"You look stressed." He commented.

"That obvious huh?" He nodded laughing. Holding out a box and a plastic black tube.

"You look like you need one."

"I've never had one before." I laughed a little, feeling the blush hit my cheeks.

"Light it and inhale. You'll cough a little at first." He smiled. So I did it. I took one, and lit it, inhaling and having a coughing fit afterwards. Luke tapped my back gently. I took my second inhale and didn't cough as much.

We sat in silence, both of us inhaling from the cigarettes.

"Wanna come back to mine?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"I'm not being your one night stand." I pointed out. He laughed.

"That's fine."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now