Chapter 26

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Chapter 26


I walked into school the next day, alone. The guys were gone when I woke up. I sighed and pulled my headphones off my head and slung them into my bag. There I saw Michael with his arms around Cat. The messages he sent me still on the lock screen of my phone because I didn't wanna check them, even though, him, Luke and Calum were out partying. I got to my locker and took out the books I needed and looked in the little mirror, fixing my glasses quickly before I saw Ashton standing behind me.

"Heya Irwin." I smiled. He chuckled. 

"Heya Hood." He smiled, and then I pulled out of my locker, and there was Michael even closer to me, with Cat in his arms. I tightened my jaw, my fists tight. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I growled slightly, and then turned around slamming my locker. Ashton followed my gaze and saw Michael and Cat. Ashton chuckled. 

Michael left school about midday, so I was sat in the library with Ashton.

Ashton smirked down at me, his small 5'2 friend. "What? Can't reach." He held up the black iPhone. Messages popping up on the screen.

"Ash!" I laughed jumping up trying to reach the precious phone in my best friends hands. "Please give me it back." I batted my heavily make-upped eyelids at him. The amount of the make-up I had used making my icy blue eyes seem to pop.

"No until you admit it!" Ashton laughed, moving his arm lower, still out of my reach.

"No. I do not like Michael Clifford." I had a slight hint of anger in my voice.

"Lies." Ashton held it higher again.

"I don't though." I exclaimed, my wide eyes widening if it was even possible.

"Explain why when you saw him today in school with Cat, you got angry!"

I rolled my eyes, popping the gum. "I'm not in the mood for your games Irwin."

"You need to tell me tonight." He sighed, dropping the phone into my hands. With that he walked out. I sighed and shook my head and walked to my next lesson. The rest of the day being a drag. 

I walked home with Luke after waiting for Calum and Ashton for ten minutes, and have a no show from them. He wrapped his arm around me tightly, after having a sunny morning, it was now slightly raining, and I had forgotten a jacket in a rush, thinking I was late due to all the boys gone. 

"Here, have my jacket." He stated, shrugging off his black hoodie, and wrapping around me, not giving me time to protest.

"But now you're gonna get cold and wet." I pointed out, he shrugged slightly and we walked home in silence after that. We walked into the house, both wet, but I was warmer than Luke. The guys looked at us. Michael stood up and hugged me. I pushed him off before running upstairs, feeling tears brim my eyes. I logged onto the computer I have hardly ever used and logged onto facebook. My feed was full of Cat's images of Michael and her kissing, and then a status.

Catherine Cat Karwin: Michael has such a big d!ck. Oh my gosh, won't be able to walk till tomorrow.

I punched through the screen. Luke walked in and saw the mess.

"Luke?" I whimpered. He ran over hugging me tightly. I broke down in his arms. 

I explained everything to Luke, and he lead me to the bed, and laid me down, spooning me easily, singing quietly. I smiled my crying stopping. I faced Luke and he smiled down at me, and I pressed my lips to his. 

"I can help you get your mind off him, and everything for a little bit?" He smiled, and I nodded. 

"Please Luke." I whispered. He smiled, and we both got rid of our clothes quickly.

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