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I woke up one morning to Michael gone. His belongings gone. He was gone for an amount of time that I wasn't informed. I sighed and slid out of bed, walking dowstairs wanting some cereal. I saw a note on the cupboard. 

I know you can't reach the cereal beautiful, so therefore I have left it on the bottom shelf, Lots of love ~ Mikey <3 

I smiled, reaching and grabbing the cereal completely by myself this time. I closed my eyes, missing the way Michael used to help me. I ate the dry cereal before walking back upstairs. I know I needed groceries, so that was my plan today.

I opened my curtains, and my wardrobe, and switched on my phone. I  looked inside the wardrobe, seeing a piece of paper in between. I pulled the piece of paper out of the clothes.

I'm guessing you want something to wear? You look hot in my flannels, here's my red one. ~ Mikey xx

I smiled and pulled out a pair of black leggings to wear with it. My phone buzzed.

Goodmorning Princess. I have a feeling you would of found my flannel by now, so show me what you look like so I can show the one direction boys. I hope you slept well xoxo

I grinned and walked to the full length mirror and took a picture. I sent it straight away, not caring my hair was in a messy bun, or I had no make-up on. I wasn't going to dress up for an image like this.

My phone buzzed again, but with a bird sound afterwards, a tweet.

Michael5SOS: My beautiful girlfriend this morning. Missing her so much already <3  Beth_any

I rolled my eyes, seeing the picture I had just sent him tagged with it. I grinned like an idiot and walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and splashing my face with water and then rubbing some soap and then rinsing. I applied a little concealer and then mascara before grabbing my bag and purse and putting my phone in it. I walked downstairs and out the house, locking the door behind me. 

I got back after shopping and put everything in the cupboards before I then realized I couldn't stay in the house forever. So I took out the laptop and set it on the dining table, sitting on the wooden chair, tucking my legs underneath me and looked for jobs locally.

It came up with a full time in starbucks. I shrugged and sent an email out before my phone started ringing. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.


"Heya princess." Michael smiled through the phone. I could hear it.

"Michael." I breathed and he chuckled.

"By now you have found the notes for the cereal and my flannel, right?" He asked. I nodded and then remembered he couldn't see me.

"Yeah." I said in a rush, the heat going to my cheeks.

"You nodded didn't you?" He asked, and I giggled.

"Yeah." I stated. He chuckled and I looked down, tracing shapes on the table with my finger.

"Well you have more notes to find." He chuckled. "I gotta go, soundcheck. I'll be back before you know it." He said hurridly. "I love you princess." He hung up the phone.

"I love you too." I whispered, a smile on my face.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now