Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


"We need to choose a song." I whispered to him, ignoring his question. He rolled his eyes.

"Just a dream?" He asked. "Nelly."

"Okay." I whispered, getting the lyrics up on my phone. 

After practicing with Michael, the singing teacher walked in. We talked for half an hour Michael sat tapping on his phone. Michael left when the bell went, and then Ashton, Calum and Luke walked in.

"Meet the people playing for your solo." She smiled and gestured to the boys. I smiled at them weakly. Luke smiling back twice as much.

"We're doing dirty little secret all american rejects." I stated. "Object with me and I shall not be very pleased." They laughed, the guys grabbed an electronic guitar, a bass and Ash sat on the drums. I walked over grabbing the heavy electric.

"Want me to take that one darlin'?" Luke offered, and I picked it up with ease, and fixed the strap to me and the guitar to my height, everyone but the singing teacher and Ash was shocked. I plugged myself into the amp and started playing, singing along. The guys joining in. I smiled and looked at my lap, the singing teacher smiling at us. Ashton sung the back up vocals. I smiled as we drew the song to an end.

After daily practices with Michael and the boys, we were ready for the show. I smiled at the boys, giving them each a quick hug before Luke, Ash and Calum walked onstage. I cheered from the sides, whistling. Luke smiled, seeming at home so much on the stage. I smiled as they started playing a song, what I like about you, if I remember correctly. 

After them I was up with Mikey. I took a deep breath as the boys walked offtsgae and the room went pitch black except for the emergency Exit signs. I walked onstage Michael walking on from the other side. I held the microphone despite it being in the stand too. The piano started, along with the other instruments and the sound board. 

Michael started the spotlight on him, and as it faded out I started singing. I smiled, relaxing. The spotlights on the both of us when we both started singing. I met Calum, Ashton and Luke's stare, and I held onto it, calming down. They gave the thumbs up and smiled widely, taking out their phones, and using the flash on it, waving it in a calming matter. I walked off after the song. A few more acts went on, and then the stage went dark again, the boys setting up the drums and guitars. I walked onstage. Michael looking around for us. The lights started up and I started singing Dirty Little Secret, all the boys doing the back-ups. 

Afterwards, we walked off the stage, pumped. I giggled Calum slinging his arm around me. We walked out the room, and down to the music room. Michael was a few minutes behind us.

"Bethany, can I talk to you in the cupboard, alone." He asked, his eyes on the floor. I nodded and followed him to the music cupboard, he shut the door behind me, and took my hands in his, pushing my back against the door, kissing me softly but hungrily. I kissed back as he let go of my hands which made their way to his hair.

After what felt like five minutes, he pulled away breathing heavily. "Sorry." He mumbled and walked out the cupboard, leaving me shocked.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now