Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


I cuddled into Michael on the sofa, after the restaurant. He lent down kissing my forehead softly, and I smiled.

"You aren't the good girl I expected you to be." He chuckled lightly. "I can't tell if i'm disappointed about that or happy." 

"Why would you be disappointed about that?" I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine.

"Because, I would feel accomplished knowing you're bad for me, and just for me." He whispered kissing my neck. "It doesn't matter though." 

"It does matter, are you not happy with me being like this?" 

"I am happy, it just would of been more exciting." He stated. I rolled my eyes, sliding off the couch and walking upstairs to my room, and closing the door, making sure he knew what he said was wrong. I looked at myself. This was a me, I had never experienced before, I was the girl that usually sat at home all the time doing homework, or watching movies. Not out partying, getting piercings, showing off a lot of skin. I stripped and changed into my oversized batman hoodie and some jogging pants. I tied my hair in a messy bun and removed all the make-up from my face. 

I smiled and took out my school bag, looking at all the homework piled at the bottom. I sighed and took it all out and sat on my bed, grabbing my glasses and putting them on, the world becoming so much clearer.

I had several essays to write before the end of the week, English, Geography, Science. English was on a book of my choice. I stood up and looked through my bookshelf. Pulling out a random book. Divergent.

I smiled at my choice, knowing I could tie this book in with society's lookings today. I pulled out my crappy laptop and started typing away. Putting headphones in and listening to disney's piano medley. I smiled as old time favorites came on. I started furiously typing.

'Tris has to choose a way to fit into the society the author has made for her.'

'She can only choose one, if she fits into more than one catagory, she is seen as a threat, in today's society if one person fits into more than one of the sterotypical highschool cliques, they are outcasts'

I sighed finishing the essay a few hours later, my word count hitting the three thousand. I smiled and proof read it. I then plugged my laptop into the printer in the corner of my room, and print it off.

I heard the rest of the boys come in an essay later. Three am. I sighed and walked out my room, hearing them shout drunkenly. I sighed.

"Bethhyyy!" Ashton smiled stumbling over to me and picking me up. I sighed. I should of just stayed upstairs.

"Guys, you need to go to bed." I state, physically dragging Calum and Ashton upstairs to their rooms and tucking them in. Kissing their forehead goodnight. I walked downstairs, to see Luke curled up on the sofa, asleep. I threw a blanket over him, and took off his shoes, kissing his forehead aswell. He smiled in his sleep and I walked back upstairs, walking past Michael's room to mine, and heard quiet groans. My eyes widened in shock, and carried on walking, my room right next to his. I put my phone on charge and continued doing my homeworks. The groans from his room increasing, and then my name was moaned a few times. I felt a blush hit my cheeks. I knocked on the wall a little.

"S-Sorry to interrupt, but can you keep it down, I'm doing homework." I stated. 

"I-I um.. Sorry?" He squeaked. I giggled silently, and I couldn't hear it anymore after that.

It soon hit seven am. The boys all being awoke by their alarms, except Luke who was asleep downstairs. I hadn't slept, so I was bound to look like shit when I looked in the mirror. I rolled out of bed, all my homework done. I smiled at my achivement. I walked to the mirror, small dark bags under my eyes. My phone buzzed loudly.

Lola: Hey, wear something not black today? Aha, I like the white skinny jeans you wore one time, the ones with the rips in? OO and maybe that flowery shirt, the cropped one that goes perfect with it? 

I laughed and replied with 'Okay'

Lola: We're gonna pick you up, and you need to explain the situation between you and Michael, we're all confused. Be there in twenty xx

I smiled, and curled my hair, which took me ten minutes, I changed and did my makeup, sliding on my white wedges. Looking like a girl. I stood in the mirror, taking out my septum piercing, wiping the little bit of blood, grabbing my bag and then I walked downstairs.

"I'm going to school." I smiled at the boys, who's eyes were all wide. A car horn honked. "That's my ride, see ya later boys." I walked outside, the girls in their roofless car. They all whistled, and opened a door. I smiled and climbed in. 

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now