Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I got home after school, my aunt sat on the sofa, looking up at me expectantly.

"Before someone tells you, I threw pasta ontop of a skank and then drenched her. She then told me to get back and fight her, so I punched her in the nose and she ran off crying." I stated, walking to the kitchen.

"Bethany." She croaked. She had been crying.

"What?" I huffed, not showing her sympathy.

"Can you come sit down and talk please?" I sighed, and trudged over to the sofa. She let tears fall.

"Well, I went the doctors you know, about the headaches I'm having all the time." She paused, the tears falling more rapidly. "And I got told that it was a brain tumor."

No-one realised this, I did truly love my aunt a lot, she was practically my mum, she was my nineteen year old mum.

"R-really?" I croaked. She nodded, uncontrollably sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. "It's gonna be okay. They can help."

"It's too late. I can risk dying in surgery getting it removed, or I can just go when its natural." She squeaked. I felt bad now, being harsh to her.

"What one have you chose?" I whispered.

"The second one." She mumbled. I felt the tears leave my eyes holding her close, both our phones buzzing on the table. "I told Ashton yesterday when you left and he told me to tell you as soon as possible, so I did."

"It's going to be okay." I whimpered. "You're going to be okay."

"Bethany, you're lying." She broke away from the hug.

"No!" I yelled. "You're going to be okay!" I stood up, grabbing the crappy little vase sat on the bookshelf and threw it at the floor, before grabbing my phone and running upstairs.

I locked myself in the room. Multiple voices echoing downstairs. I put my phone into my docking station and turned up my music, grabbing my acoustic guitar and playing All Time Low backseat serenade. Tears rolling down my cheeks, singing along. At the end of the song my lock fell off the door, and there stood Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton. I turned away from them, wiping my tears with my sleeve, removing my glasses and wiping my eyes.

"What do you want?" I croaked. I felt two arms wrap around me, and pull me close. But the aftershave wasn't Ashton's or Luke's. So it could be Calum or Michael hugging me. I wrapped my arms around the persons neck, and I looked up seeing the person was Michael. Luke and Calum whispering between them.

"Hurt my best friend Clifford and I shall chop your ding-dong off." Ashton threatened pulling the boys out of the room, apart from Michael, who stood there, hugging me.

"What do you want Michael?"

"To be the one you can rely on."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now