Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I sat in my room. My aunt downstairs talking to her one night stand guy for tonight.

I put on a pair of short shorts, and a rather revealing shirt, alon with Luke's hoodie. I grabbed my phone, slipping into the black converse, putting a fair bit of makeup on, and a red lipstick, which matched perfectly.

"I'll be back later!" I called out, walking down the hallway and out the doorway, I walked to Luke's house, lighting a cigarette in between my lips and smoking, I went to the shop on the way, and managed to buy a crap ton of alcohol. I knocked on the door, stubbing out the cigarette quickly, although I smell of smoke.
Luke answered the door, smiling and hugging me. I hugged back tightly.

"I've never seen you in anything like this before." He muttered, looking me up and down.

"No-one has." I laughed lightly as he shut the door, leading me into the living room, where Calum, Michael and Ashton were sat playing guitar hero. I took off the hoodie and placed it on the coat rack.

I leaned against the door frame, Calum turned around and saw me, poked Ashton and pointed at me, and then they started whispering to each other. Michael felt left out and looked around his eyes landing on me. His jaw dropped, his hands still playing the guitar. I took the vodka out of the bag, sitting on the sofa between Luke and Calum.

I took several swigs from the bottle of Vodka, ignoring the slight burn in my throat. I placed it down on the table. About an hour passed.

"You've never dressed like that." Luke whispered, huskily. "Its sexy, but you know what would look better on you?"

"What would that be?" I smiled flirtatiously.

"Nothing." He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to sit on his lap facing him. I blushed brightly, leaning in and kissing him hungrily.

"Yo, Mike! Look!" Ashton laughed a little, and I felt someone loom over us, I got picked up off of Luke. Making me whine.

"You don't remember behind the sports hall? You are mine." Michael growled in my ear, pulling me close and kissing me softly. The guys, apart from Luke who was now grumpy, whooped. Michaels hands resting on my ass.

"Luke we're stealing the spare bedroom." Michael whispered picking me up and carrying me there before placing me on the bed. "Your drunk. Go to sleep."

"But I'm not tired." I whined quietly.

"Please, for me?" He whispered standing by the door.

"Can you lay with me then?" I yawned, and he nodded, laying beside me and wrapping his arm around me protectively, playing with my hair with his other hand. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now