Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


I awoke to the smell of pancakes. I looked around the room. Panicking as it wasn't my room.

"Hey." Luke walked in, handing me a tray of pancakes. "You wanna hurry up with them. Its thirty minutes till school." He took his shirt off and started looking through his draws for a shirt. I ate my pancakes, trying to keep my eyes away from his body. "I also understand that you can't go into school in the clothes you slept in, so." He pulled out a My Chemical romance shirt, a black hoodie and black ripped jeans.

"Luke. These are your clothes." I stated, finishing my pancakes. Watching as he tugged on his fall out boy shirt.

"Yeah, the jeans were from the woman's department and like two sizes too small, and I'm presuming you like My Chemical Romance, so therefore this outfits yours." He smiled taking the tray off me. "Shout me when your changed." And with that he walked downstairs.

I got changed. My phone buzzing madly.

Ashton; Beth, where are you?

Ashton; Beth please answer, I'm worried.

Ashton; I'll meet you in school.

And that was only a few of them. I smiled at my outfit, although my black slip shoes didn't really go.

"What size shoe are you?" Luke asked from ousize the door.

"A four." I stated, and he opened the door, covering his eyes and placing a pair of black converse on the floor. "I'm changed, you don't have to cover your eyes." I laughed a little, and he opened his eyes, just as I pulled my hair out of is bun it was in. Picking my glasses from the bedside table and putting them on. His jaw dropped slightly.

"As me helping you, what do I get in return?" He smirked winking.

"And asshole Luke is back." I huffed. As a car horn honked outside the house. I grabbed my phone.

"I'm joking." He chuckled. "Just no punching me today." He led me downstairs and handed me a cigarette and lit it for me, lighting his own from the same flame. Looking into my eyes.

We turned and walked to the car. Michael and Calum sat in the front eyes wide.

"Holy fu-" Michael slapped Calum around the head before he could finish his sentence.

"Get in." Michael said, and luke pulled me into the back of the car, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we sped off.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now