Chapter 25

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Chapter 25


I started decorating the week after getting yes's from everyone and I had payed the little money Natalie owed to the council for the house, so now, it was under my name. None of the boys knew I was doing this. I didn't go to school that day. I couldn't be bothered. 

I was decorating the music room that day. I put the carpet down, let it settle for a few hours before painting the music room white. While that was drying, I grabbed some money and walked downstairs, and walked to the nearest DIY store. I bought some sound proofing pads, and got a taxi home. I took the tool kit David had lent me from the living room, and set all my stuff on the floor of the music room. I painted it one more time before marking where the sound proofing boards where going.

While the paint was drying, I went to the bathroom, and replaced the shower curtain with a less girly one, and then put in some new towels in the airing cupboard. Meanwhile I had All Time Low blasting in my room, so I could hear it throughout the house. Which was amazing. I started singing along while drilling the holes in the wall for the soundproofing boards. I put them on the wall. I then got all the boys instruments from the families, and set them up. Drums at the back, bassist one side, and then one guitar in the middle, the other on the other side. I set up multiple mic's on the side of the wall along with the amps, and then decided I had done enough today. I dragged my keyboard from my room, and to the music room. I set it up and then walked to my room, turned down all time low, and grabbed my phone, as it started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered, not checking the caller ID.

"We've stopped off on the way home for starbucks for Luke, I was just wondering if you wanted anything, princess?" He asked. 

"I'm fine, thankyou anyway." I smiled, he said a quick goodbye before he hung up. I went and sat in the music room, opening the window widely due to the smell of paint, and sat down at my piano, and brought out a bunch of sheets, I looked through a bunch of sheets and brought up Iris. I sat down, having not of played this one for a while. I played it slower than I should of, but managed it with no mistakes. I went through it a few times before getting bored.

I then tried heart shaped box. Which I managed, I smiled getting lost in the piano when the boys came into the house and shouted for me, thinking I would be in my room, not knowing I had decorated the music room. 

"Bethany?" Calum yelled. I turned off my piano and walked out, the boys in my room. I smirked. 

"Guys close your eyes." I smiled, they closed their eyes and I lead them to the music room. "Okay you can open them now." 

They all gasped, and I smiled. "Oh my gosh." Ashton smiled, turning and hugging me. "We came up with our band name too today, Five Seconds Of Summer." 

"That's great. By the way this is all working, if you need to set the height and stuff, I think you know how to do that." I smiled, they all hugged me tightly.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now