Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


I woke up on the sofa, Michael looking at me in confusion.

"Why is the house so tidy?" He asked.

"I tidied it." I whispered, knowing he probably has a hangover. 

"Thankyou." He whispered. "Nice piercing." He gestured to my septum, and I showed him my tongue and his eyes widened. "I never knew you were into piercings."

"I had the great idea this morning before Luke, Calum and myself went out." I stated. He nodded, before walking into the kitchen. I sat up, and walked to the room Luke was sleeping in. I crawled into bed beside him, his eyes opening as I laid down. He met my eyes with a smile. I smiled back, cuddling into him.

"I got up earlier and you weren't here.." He whispered.

"I went to tidy up the downstairs, and must of fell asleep on the couch afterwards." He stated and wrapped his arm around my middle, pulling me close. I smiled cuddling into his side, meeting his eyes again. He lent down slightly, our lips millimeters apart. Just before our lips touched, Michael shouted up the stairs.

"Ash, Luke 'n' Beth, there are pancakes on the table." He yelled, making me and Luke pull away from eachother before we even had a chance to kiss. A small blush on his cheeks.

"We should go get breakfast." He whispered, and I nodded, sliding out of bed, pulling my hair up into a messy bun again. Luke let out a sigh, before coming around the side of the bed. Pushing me against the wall, leaning down and kissing me softly, his hands resting on my thighs. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

We must of been there for a while because Michael and Ashton opened the door, without knocking. Making us pull away. Michael's face dropped.

"Uh.. Pancakes are downstairs. Help yourselfs." He mumbled before walking away. Ashton gave me a disappointed look. I sighed quietly and made my way downstairs.

I took a few pancakes and ate in silence with Luke and Ashton on the table. Ashton side glancing at me, with always disappointment on his face.

"I'll go bring some pancakes to Michael." I whispered. The boys mumbled in agreement and I took a stack of pancakes up to Michael's room. Knocking quietly.

"G-Go away." He whispered, his voice cracking. Was he crying? I opened the door, shutting it immediately behind me. I placed the plate on the side. "I thought I said go away!" He had his back to the door, so he didn't know it was me.

I sat behind him, hugging him around his waist. "Mikey, whats wrong?" I whispered. He shrugged me off slightly.

"Nothing." He muttered. 

"You're crying for fucks sake Mikey!" I whisper yelled. Turning and sitting on his lap, wiping his tears away.

"Go and fuck Luke, you're clearly so in love with him." He whispered, turning his face away from me and looking down.

"Michael." I whispered, tilting his head up and meeting his eyes. "It's not like that, yeah I have small feelings for Luke... But I have bigger feelings for someone else, and I guess I didn't wanna accept that, because people like me shouldn't fall for people like him." 

"Go fuck him then!" Mikey yelled, his face red with anger, pushing me off him, and I landed on the floor. His face slowly changed back to it's usual colour, and his face fell. "Shit! I-I'm sorry!" He offered a hand and I swatted it away, the door burst open, Luke and Ashton stood there, worried.

"I won't try and help you next time." I muttered, feeling a lump form in my throat, standing up and running to Luke and Ashton, just as Calum walked through the door. I pushed past the boys and ran down the stairs to Calum. 

"Beth, whats up?" He asked, panic laced in his voice. "C'mon." He hugged me tightly, picking me up with ease and going into a room I had never been in. A bass and amp in the corner, he sat me on the bed, and shut the door.

"I kissed Luke." I whimpered, and his face lit up. "Michael walked in on us.." I explained it to him, and his face was mixed emotions.

"Michael likes you, and he always has since he saw your innocent ass in the corridor in the first year." Calum rubbed my back as I cried into his shirt. "He really wouldn't hurt you on purpose."

"I dunno." I whispered.

"Luke just wants to get in your pants, yes I know shocking, he isn't gay like we said." Calum joked, pulling out a carrier bag with some clothes in. "Natalie told me to give these to you." He handed me the bag, and I pulled out a pair of leggings and a shirt. Calum planted his face in the bed. "You're like my little sister I have to protect, so therefore I'll be a good person and won't look."

I stripped and changed quickly. "Thanks Cal, for everything." 

"Natalie said she also wants you home as soon as, so I'll walk you." Calum rolled over smiling, taking Luke's clothes into his hands, and throwing them into Luke's room which was opposite. Calum slung his arm around my shoulders and walked downstairs.

"Bethany.." Michael whispered.

"She has to go mate." Calum said before I could say anything, which I wasn't going to. "You can text her." Calum dragged me out the door and started walking me home.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now