Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


I took a sip from the plastic cup Luke handed me, ignoring the burn in my throat due to the liquid that honestly didn't even taste nice. Luke had a hold of my hips as we danced, neither of us drunk to the point we are't ourselfs, or to the point of not remembering. 

"You honestly fit in so much better with us." Luke pointed out. "Not saying you didn't look fit in the other clothes you wear, but you look fit in all black and bandmerch too."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I hide my face in his chest and wrapping my arms around his neck, swaying slightly. He chuckled. 

"You've always looked hot though." I giggle slightly, looking up and seeing his cheeks starting to burn red. I giggle, going up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek softly. My very drunk and and a little bit more sober Calum came upto me and Luke.

"We're gonna head home." My aunt slurred, Calum supporting her with ease. I nodded. 

"Cal, you look like you have more sense, text me when you both get home." I stated, he nodded and they both stumbled to the door, the black cab waiting outside for them. I laughed at there state. "Did I tell you my aunt thought Calum was asian?" Luke gave me a 'wtf' look and then burst out laughing. 

His laugh was contagious which then made me laugh, but somehow our laughs still under the music. But people still glared at us, even though they were being much louder. Mikey stumbled over, drunk. I bit the inside of my cheek as he leaned against me, crying and whimpering.

"I'm s-sorry." He whimpered, the bottle in his hand spilling everywhere. "I didn't mean to upset you, we intended it to be a surprise." Luke removed the bottle from his hands.

"I'll go put him to bed and then we should call the party off?" I asked. Luke nodded.

"I'll take care of that." He whispered to me gesturing to the people.I nodded, and slung my arm around Michael's waist, his arms around my shoulders. I slowly walked him up the stairs. Him cuddling into my side, yawning every so often.

"Which room is yours?" I asked, he gestured to the one at the end of the hall. I half dragged him there and laid him on the bed. He wouldn't be comfortable in jeans and a flannel, would he?

"It's not comfy." He whimpered. I sighed, thinking maybe I wouldn't have to undress him, but nope.  I will.

"Is it your jeans and shirt?" I ask, as if I was treating a child. He nodded, his green eyes watering again. I sighed and unbuttoned his flannel, the music suddenly off downstairs. He smiled up at me and I very delicately unbuttoned his jeans and removed his shoes and socks, pulling his jeans off.

"I mean it." He slurred. "I'm really, really sorry."

"We'll talk about it in the morning okay?" I asked, and he nodded as I walked out the room and back downstairs which was a mess but empty.

"I have some spare PJ's in this house, I'll lend you some." Luke smiled at me, putting the remains of food in the fridge.

"That would be nice." I smiled back, he took my hand and lead me upstairs to the room beside Michael's, he pulled out an over sized sweatshirt and a pair of boxers. I didn't give him a chance to realize I was getting changed, I just dropped the skirt and pulled on the boxers, and then wriggled out of the shirt and pulled on a hoodie, tying my hair up with a bobble which was on my wrist, tying it up into a messy bun.

"I'm not tired, so you go to sleep, I'll come back later." I stated, Luke nodded, his eyes wide staring at me. I walked out the room and downstairs grabbing a binbag and started to clean up the downstairs.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now