Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


I awoke to the boys, minus one, whispering. I felt by back against someone's chest, their arms around my middle and their legs curling my own. I was spooning with someone. I opened my eyes and the boys stopped talking immediately.

"Good Morning Beth," Ashton smiled. "You seem to have slept well." Luke and Calum smiled, which meant I was spooning Michael. I felt the blush rise to my cheeks I slid out of Michael's grasp.

"Shuddup." I whispered. They laughed quietly.

"Go get ready for school." Calum whispered, and pointed to the pile of clothes in the middle of the floor. I took the clothes and went into Calum's room, and Calum's en suite washing my face and brushing my teeth. Changing into a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black All Time Low shirt. I tied my hair into a messy bun and applied what little make-up that was in the pile of clothes. I smiled at my reflection and went downstairs, raiding the cupboards and found a breakfast bar, while all the boys were upstairs changing I sat there and ate it in silence.

Four roudy boys entered the living room. Ashton stood there in his skinny jeans and his bandshirt and smiled. 

"Leggo then!" Luke smiled, taking my arm and dragging me out the door and to Ashton's car. The ride was silent for me, except the boys laughing, smoking and singing along to Teenage Dream on the radio. I looked out the window, watching the scenery go past as we sped along. Until I saw the dreaded building of the school. 

I sighed silently, climbing out of the car and walked into school, leaving the boys behind. I got to my locker before someone slammed into me. I groaned quietly, my back digging into the combination circle on my locker. 

"Whoops, watch out there." It was that girl I saved Ashton from. 

"How about you watch out slag." I snarled, pushing her away slightly. People started surrounding and videoing. 

"Is that the best you can come up with?" She howled, her girls stood behind her. 

"I can come up with better, but you're petty little brain can't process it." I smirked, seeing the boys walk over, and the jocks stood up and barricaded them from intervening. She stormed up and slapped me, her nails scratching the side of my face. I pushed her backwards, knocking her into her girls, like bowling. 

"Oh no, I've just angered the bull." She snorted, meaning the ring on my nose. I sighed quietly, rolling my eyes. 

"So offencive." I muttered, taking my stuff out of my locker.

"What's that? You calling for your aunty? Oh wait, you don't have one. She died due to how shit of a niece you were. And you're now calling for your mum and dad? Oh what's that? They abandoned you?" She smirked. I took a deep breath, steadying the need to cry again. The whole circle rippling in gasps.

"No actually, my aunt died because she had a brain tumor." I threw a punch landing it on her jawline. I turned around and punched her in the stomach and as she doubled over, I kicked her in the shin so she fell. I turned and pushed past the crowd and past the boys and out the school before letting the tears fall.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now