Chapter 9

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(The video is how she performs and how she sounds)

Chapter 9


I felt my heart in my mouth minutes before I was due on stage. We changed piano to acoustic guitar. It matched our voices better I peeked through the curtain, and couldn't see Ashton or Michael anywhere. Calum was behind us.

"Luke where are they?" I squeaked. "They promised."

"They'll be here." Luke whispered.

The boys, all of them, had been acting shady the past week. Avoiding me at all costs whenever me and Luke weren't rehearsing.

"Next up! Luke and Bethany, with a cover of A drop in the ocean." Luke squeezed my hand, before we walked onstage. Small cheers from the audience.

"Three, two, one." Luke whispered and started strumming. I avoided the eye contact of the audience and sang, meeting eye contact with Luke.

Before the song finished I looked out into the crowd, Ashton and Michael still not there.

After the song finished, I walked offstage. There stood Michael and Ashton. I pushed past them, ignoring their comments. My heart beating fast, tears welling in my eyes. I went to the back of the room. Leaning against the wall, wiping the tears away furiously.

On the stage the people placed another stool, and a wooden box along with another acoustic.

"Right, before we end, we had a new group of people sign up the beginning of this week, although they wanted to keep the fact they were here a secret. All but one never came to rehearsals. Please welcome onstage Michael, Luke,Calum and Ashton." The host cheered.

They couldn't tell me? That hurt. I thought I was their friend.

"This is a cover is Year 3000." Michael smiled, and they started playing. They were good.

"And this is a cover of teenage dirt bag."

Luke started singing. Ashton sat on the box, Michael was sat with the acoustic and Calum and Luke were singing. Michael harmonising.

I watched them. They were good.

Michael took the solo towards the end, looking directly at me. I let a small smile hit my face, looking down and blushing

They all walked off stage, the crowd clapping. But before they could get to me, I walked away, slipping through the door.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now