Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


I sat, scrawling down notes in English for the test. Missing Ashton's protection already. I had all three boys sat behind me.

When I finished my notes, I tucked my pen into my pocket. Turning and seeing Calum winking at me. I rolled my eyes, feeling the heat hit my cheeks anyway, which was more than am idiotic thing to do.

"Are you getting turned on?" He whispered. Moving to the seat next to me. His hand trailing up my thigh.

"Can you remove your hand, please." I ask quietly. He laughed looking at my cheeks.

"No, I've only just begun." Calum howled quietly. Just as the bell rang. I grabbed !y stuff and speed walked out the classroom. Trying to get away from them. That's when I went full force into someone.

"S-Sorry." I croaked.

"Its okay, you weigh nothing anyway." It was Ashton.

"Ashton, w-we need to get somewhere they won't find me." I whimpered.


"You ran to the protective boyfriend." Luke laughed. Making me freeze.

"I'm not her boyfriend." Ashton pulled me behind him, using his body as a baracade.

"Sure your not." Michael smirked. Michael was the most dangerous of them all. Rumours had it he owns several guns and at least two of them he carries in his backpack.

"I can defend myself, I don't need Ashton." I stepped out from behind Ashton. Everyone's eyes now on us.

"Prove it." Calum smirked pinning me on the wall, smashing his lips to mine. A ripple of gasps echoing around the hallway. I brought my knee up full force to his man area, and when he stumbled back, I connected my fist to his stomach. Luke then went at me, by now everyone had their phones out.

I ducked under his punches, punching him twice in the stomach and then a punch to the right side of his draw. Michael looked at me as if I was dead meat. His fist connected with my stomach. Hard.

"Fuck you." I growled. Not giving a crap if people find out. "Fuck you and your asshole ways. You wonder why you have two other dickwads as your best friends and no-one else. Because your just one giant knob, something you have completely the opposite of." I kicked him in the stomach and walked off, leaving everyone, including Ashton, in shock.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now