Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


I sighed and watched the clock. Ready to leave school for the weekend. The bell went and I rushed, putting everything away quickly. Fixing my glasses and grabbing my bag, handing in my work and then rushing out the door, although when I got into the main corridor, I got pushed into everyone who then pushed me into other people and sometimes inanimate objects. I got to the doors and walked out, making sure I didn't snap and push other people, I looked around for Michael, my highschool drop-out boyfriend. 

I walked over, finding him leaning against the school entrance and hugged him, he grinned.

"Hey there shortie." He grinned leaning down and kissing me softly. Making gasps ripple around the yard. I giggled pulling away. "I think they're shocked."

"Just a little." I looked up at him through my glasses. 

"Is this the good girl side of you today?" He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked off. Ignoring the yells of Cat and her whores. 

"I'm naturally a good girl Mikey." I smile up at him innocently. "Just that good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." He grinned at my statement. 

"I've caught you being bad. Remember that time you were at Luke's and Cal and I picked you two up, and there you were smoking." He emphasized. I laughed a little. "You literally made smoking look good. I mean your pretty lips around it, you looked like an expert."

"In what way?" I bit my lip slightly, blushing. He winked a little, pulling me close as we made it to the house. I walked in first, swaying my hips slightly. Michael chuckled.

"Are you trying to tease me kitten?" He asked. I shrugged a little, making it to the living room where Ashton, Calum and Luke were playing fifa. Typical boys. I sat on the floor, on my stomach, pulling out my homework and started doing it. Despite me having multiple days to do it.

Michael sat on the sofa behind me. I swear this guy wanted to stare at my ass. I giggled and finished two fifa matches later. I stood up, placing it back in my bag, and slung my bag in the corner of the room. Michael grabbed my hips as I walked past and pulled me onto his lap. I giggled, his lips leaving a trail of kisses down my neck.

"PDA!" Luke screeched, facing Calum to face us. Which made Calum wince sit it was down his ear. I laughed and straddled Michael making the boy's eyes widen, including Michael. I kissed him softly, making Luke screech louder. I giggled pulling away standing up again.

"What's wrong?" I looked at them all. 

"Just keep it in your pants Clifford." Calum chuckled, although gave Michael a stern glare. I laughed.

"Amma go change into something more comfortable than a crop top and tight leggings." I walked upstairs. Grabbing a vest top and hollister shorts. I stripped down, taking my hair out of its high ponytail. I felt two hands on my waist as I was pulled close to the person. Their lips kissing my neck.

"You. Are. So. Beautiful." Michael mumbled inbetween the kisses. I turned and faced him. His eyes trailed over my body. His eyes widening and his cheeks becoming a firey red. I giggled and kissed him softly. His member against my thigh.

"You do realize that Calum doesn't have to know, we've just gotta keep quiet." I whispered. 

"Are you suggesting breaking a rule?" He asked, his eyes wide again. I nodded, and with that I was up against the wall in seconds. "You're such a naughty girl."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now