Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


I lead Michael upstairs in the old house, since today, I needed to collect my stuff, and Natalie's stuff, I lead him to the bathroom and he sat on the counter. I grabbed the first aid kit and got some antiseptic wipes.

"This is going to hurt." I whispered. I gently pressed it to his bloody and swollen lip. He recoiled in pain. I rested my hand on his leg, wiping his lip very gently. He closed his good eye, and let out a sigh. I got another wipe, and wiped his nose gently. 

"It doesn't look broken," I whisper, meeting his eye, since the other one was shut. I ran downstairs grabbing a few ice packs and brought them up, holding one to his eye another one to his lip, I wiped his knuckles down and held two ice packs to either hand. He sighed in content, I smiled kissing his cheek gently.

"Thank you for cleaning me up, last time Luke tried to do it, and failed." He chuckled weakly.

"No, it's my fault you're in this mess." I whispered. "I shouldda just manned up and got on with it." He wrapped his arms around me, tightly. 

"Don't blame yourself for this princess." He whispered. I blushed a little at the nickname and he smiled hugging me tightly, kissing my forehead. He slid off the counter a little while later, and I smiled, both his eyes open again now. I giggled and he scooped me up and walked me to the bed, placing me down gently on it and kissing me softly. The furthest we went was making out, before the boys walked in. 

"Oh god our eyes!" They yelled, jokingly. 

"We came to say, Ashton needs to go the shop for about thirty minutes, and we're gonna take him, enjoy you're time alone." Luke winked, I felt a blush hit my cheeks and the guys left, closing the front door with a slam behind them. Michael went back to kissing me again. This time we didn't stop at making out...

The boys walked in as I walked out the shower. Ashton looked in pain so I ran downstairs, holding my towel around me tightly.

"Ash are you okay?" I hugged him, and he nodded chuckling. 

"I got a tattoo, it hurts a little, but other than that I'm okay." He chuckled. "Now go get dressed." He pointed to Michael and Luke, their eyes wide. 

I giggled and walked upstairs. 

"I just realized something." I yelled down, while picking out clothes and putting them on. I then skipped downstairs flopping onto the couch. "This house has several spare rooms, right? Then if we think about it, thats enough to sleep all of us in, and have a room for instruments and all that, and then we have a room for a games room too, I mean I have enough money to buy the house, especially with the money I have saved off Natalie. What do you think?" I looked at them, interrupting their game of fifa. They  paused.

"That sounds amazing!" Calum smiled. I grinned. The boys nodded. 

"You're a genius. We'll have to speak to our parents as well." Luke smiled. 

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now