Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


I sighed, sitting in Luke's house since Joy and David were sorting out a room for me in that house. I rested my head on Luke's house.

"There is a party tonight." Luke stated. "We're going." 

"Okay." I whispered, not feeling in the mood to party. 

"Go get ready." Luke smiled, I rolled off the sofa and grabbed the clothes Luke had made me bring around, I went to his bathroom, and got into the shower, and got the make-up I had bought and left here. I changed into the crop top and high waisted shorts, putting on some natural make-up before going to Luke's room and drying and straightening my hair.

After an hour of waiting for Luke we walked the few blocks to the party. My aim tonight was to get drunk as possible, to forget my troubles. We walked into the party, and I headed straight for the alcohol. Drinking as much as I could in as little time. Luke was talking to a few guys from school, and I took his hand, pulling him away to dance. Giggling the whole time. I watched his face light up as I started dancing like you would in a club against him. After twenty minutes of dancing, he kissed me hungrily. The taste of alcohol present on both our lips. 

"Upstairs?" He mumbled against my lips, and I nodded, and we linked hands, walking upstairs and to a spare room. His lips pressing against mine, sliding the lock on the door, and we hurriedly got rid of our clothes.

I stumbled into the hood residence at approximately one am in the morning, still slightly tipsy. I walked upstairs and into Calum's room. He looked up from his laptop, and saw me.

"Bethany?" He whispered, placing his laptop on the bed side table and standing up and bringing me to his bed. 

"Hiya Cal-Pal." I giggled, pinching his cheeks. He laid me down.

"Go to sleep Beth, I'll talk to you in the morning before school." So that's what I did.

I sat in the music room with Michael in free period, I held my head in my hands.

"Shouldn't of gotten drunk then should you?" He laughed and I flipped him off. "Also was Luke a good fuck?"

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now