Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


I walked into school the next day. My name being mentioned everywhere. Then it was the boys names. I walked to first lesson music.

"Right, so today we're doing a project." The singing teacher said as she walked in as the bell went and after I walked in. I sat down by the piano, my usual spot. Catherine, Lola and their gang laughing about something. I sighed, keeping my head down, hugging my jacket close to me. "Bethany doesn't need to partner up with anyone unless she wants to?" The teacher looked at me. That's when Ashton, Luke, Calum and Mikey walked in. 

"Can I be partnered with Ashton?" I whispered. She nodded and called Ashton to the front of the class, and I moved up on the seat. He looked around confused.

"Partnered with Bethany." She stated. He nodded, and sat down beside me. He held my hand and gave it a slight squeeze. I smiled and squeezed back. "Right, guys I'm going to say a random song that you know and you'll have to harmonize it. Okay? But listen carefully to what I say, I could change song halfway through."

We nodded, and smiled. 

"Paradise, Coldplay." she grinned. We instantly went into it, harmonizing straight away. "Lazy Song, Bruno Mars." She let us sing that for a bit. "Stereo Hearts." And then she gave us another one. "Titanium, thats the last one."

We went from the chorus, my hands playing Piano to accompany it. I smiled at Ashton and he grinned goofily back. Then the teacher put up a list of songs on the board.

"Everyone pick three songs off there, grab a partner, and then practice them songs." The teacher said, sitting down at her computer, typing away. 

"I'm taking your partner doll." Michael sneered, grabbing Ashton and taking him over to the boys. I sighed silently.

"Bethany are you okay? Do you want Ashton back?" She asked. I shook my head. 

"I'll just learn the songs there for backings." I whispered. She nodded and I got up the piano music on my phone and practiced some songs before going to make me wanna die by the pretty reckless on piano, singing along quietly. Then the guys started hugging the girls, which made me wanna barf. Then I heard things about me. 

"She's just an ugly little shit, she needs to die." Michael said, rather loudly, looking directly at me. I grabbed my stuff secretly. Then I heard more things like that, coming from everyones mouths, except Ashton. I stood up, apologized to the teacher, which made her confused and I ran. I ran through the halls and out the school, ignoring the teachers threats.

"Why are you threatening me?" I yelled back, finally cracking. "You don't know half the fucking shit I deal with off my 'best friends', one of them just said I need to go die." I ran then, into the rain. I let the tears fall, walking the longer way home. I got home and sat down on my bed, blocking my door up so no-one could get in, and changed out of the wet clothes, into leggings and an oversized flannel and a vest top. I laid in bed, and stared at the ceiling, letting my phone ring out. 

I woke up later to talking downstairs. The boys. 

I got out of the bed, and unblocked my door, my stomach growling. I walked downstairs and past the boys, acting as if they weren't there. I went to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of Cola, and sipping it as I danced around the kitchen, humming a song quietly. Grabbing some sausages and fries and cooking them. Breaking out into song, sitting on the counter sipping the Cola. I finished my Cola and put the empty glass in the sink before walking to the living room and sitting on the floor by the fireplace, sneezing. I switched it on, ignoring the boys comments about it being hot.

"Well, I walked home in the rain, and I'm full of cold, deal with it." I said coldly. They shut up after that, and I felt a blanket being wrapped around me. I could tell by the cologne it was Ashton. "I mean, I wouldn't of went home if the three of you, bar Ash hadn't said I needed to die." I shook my head. 

"Bethany.." Ash rubbed my back. "What you guys said was harsh. Haven't you realized all she's done for us is care for us, Luke the amount of times she has tended you to, not because you asked, but because she cares, Calum, she let you take care of her aunt, I've known her for my whole life, and she got protective of her aunt after her parents had gone. And Michael don't make me get started, despite the amount of times you have been a jackass to her, she's done nothing but care for you, heck she's her. Deal with it. She loves you, a lot Michael. And you've done nothing but put her down." I was crying by this point, and I cuddled into Ashton, sobbing.

"Beth is this true?" Luke and Cal whispered. I nodded, unable to form words. I felt four other arms wrap around me, and sorry's muttered from both boys. Michael let out a little cry before walking upstairs. I hugged all three boys tightly.

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