Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


"I wanna get a piercing." I mumbled, sat on Luke's sofa with Calum and Luke himself.

"Well, before any other guys look at you like they're gonna make sure you can't walk, I think we should take you to your house." Calum suggested.

Meanwhile Luke was acting like a teenage girl when her best friend just told her she has a crush on somebody.

"Where?" He squealed. 

"I want one on my tongue, and my septum." I smiled, Luke squealed even more, which resulted in Michael yelling for him to shut up.

"I swear he's gay." Calum chuckled into my ear. I nodded laughing. 


We went to my house, and I got my pocket money I had been saving up, and apart of my grandad's will money he had gave me. Which resulted in total to about two thousand pounds. I had changed into a loose nirvana tank top, black leggings and the black converse Luke gave me, I added winged eyeliner, and back combed my naturally wavy hair to give volume. I walked downstairs, my aunt making out with Calum. Luke was standing texting on his phone, his beanie covering his hair.

"Ugh, Cal, not to be rude, but thats my aunt." I chuckled awkwardly. "That and I'm ready to leave."

Luke and Calum both looked up due to my voice, and their jaws dropped. My aunt blushing brightly.

"C'mon guys." I pushed Luke and Calum out of the door, giving a brief hug to my aunt, who was just really embarrassed. I laughed a little. "Want anything?" I asked her.

"You could be a doll and get me a hook up with the asian one." My aunt winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Someone's being a little bit of a weirdo now." I patted her back, and she laughed. "I'll be back soon, I'll buy you some starbucks or something."

I walked out the door before she could say anything about Calum, our taxi waiting.

"We're bringing you clothes shopping too, you need something other than my clothes." Luke laughed, resting his head on my shoulder. I laughed a little, and rested my head onto Calums shoulder. 

As we pulled up to the mall, we hopped out paying the cab driver and walking into the mall, going into the tattoo parlor and piercings. I sat in the chair, the guy instructing me on what to do. I flinched as he pierced my tongue, and then flinched when he pierced my septum. I chose a black ring for my septum and a rainbow bead for the tongue. Luke and Calum linked hands with me as we walked into hot topic. I smiled up at them. Sill having close to the origination amount of money left, I gave the boys one hundred each.

"For coming with me, you guys didn't have to." I smiled and they ran off like little kids in a sweet store to go find things. I looked around picking out multiple band shirts and pairs of pants, I also picked up a backpack, and a few bandanna's for Ashton and myself, since he had some obsession over them, and they were comfy to pin hair back. 

I picked up atleast twenty wristbands and then saw this rack of over sized flannels and had an amazing idea.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now