Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


I walked back into school at lunchtime, went straight past the cafeteria and into the music room. I let my fingers find the place on the piano, and played Good Time and sang along. I smiled while singing. When I finished I heard a small applause, and there I saw the boys smiling at me. I looked down at the piano.

"I think you show off a little." Ashton smirked. "We'll sing." I felt a smirk pull on my lips as I started the cover of Year 3000. The boys started singing along, watching my hands on the piano. Then I went straight onto Jasey Rae.

The boys smiling, until major bitch walked in.

"Oh thats so easy." She pushed me off the seat. She started playing twinkle twinkle little star using her one hand. I sniggered, and stood up playing it with both hands and adding a little improvisation into it, making the boys snigger, then she tried 'Fur Elise', and failed. She stood up.

"I'd like to see you try that." She smirked. I sat down, and easily played it, fluently moving onto A day to remember. She flipped her hair and sat in her seat. Michael singing along quietly, and then when it reached the female part, I joined in. He broke into a smile, meeting my eyes.

"You can sing with these boys?" The singing teacher walked in, smiling. "It's hard for them to stay in time with eachother. Nevermind sing with you and harmonize." 

"It's easy." I giggled. "Guys sing year 3000." I started playing that, and as they sang together, I joined in, while playing. Everyone who was in music next filed into the class, smiling at us. When we finished they all cheered. The music teacher stood there smirking. I gulped slightly. 

"Well, now that you've all proven to me, you can work together. Luke, Ashton and Calum you'll be preforming next week for the open evening and then Michael and Bethany, you will separately be preforming to them."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now