Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


I finished my dinner, a semi-awkward silence around us.

"I'll go check on Mikey." Luke said, standing up. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, pulling him back down on the sofa.

"No, I'll go." I whispered, my voice still croaky.

"What happens if he becomes aggressive again?" Calum asked almost silently. 

"I'll deal with him guys, I'll be fine." I gave a weak smile. Thank you Calum for putting that fear into my head. I sighed and walked up the stairs and fiddled with my sleeves. Nervous for what was going to happen. I knocked on the door of his room, and it was silent. I took that as my welcome in. I opened the door and stepped in, shutting the door behind me, as a picture landed against the wall next to me.

"Get out!" He wasn't even looking. I sighed silently, not wanting to argue about me being in his room, and walked over slowly sitting on the bed beside him. He was still crying, his hair was pointing out in every direction. I hugged him from the side, and he seemed to tense at my touch. "Why are you even here, after I said them things about you..." He buried his face in his hands.

"I'm not a person to hold a grudge." I whispered, and he let out a small sob. I turned him to face me, and I peeled his hands from his face, holding them tightly. "Hey, don't get upset okay, I'm not crying over it, so you shouldnt either should you?" I met his eyes, giving a slight smile, he took his hands from mine and cupped my face, smashing his lips onto mine. 

"I know I've been an asshole lately, like a big one, but I do have feelings for you, although it may not seem like it. I know I told you you being bad for me would be exciting, but its fine, I love you the way you are.." He paused, meeting my eyes, his breath caught in his throat. "W-Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Michael."

"Oh, it's fine if you don't- you just said yes." His face literally lit up so bright, he then proceeded to hug me. I giggled and hugged back. He pulled me down on his bed, and pulled me ontop of him, his arms wrapping around my middle. "Plus you're a better cuddler than Calum." He stated winking. I laughed a little.

"Asshole! You told me that I was the only cuddler in your life." Calum said from outside the door. We laughed and cuddled for about an hour before we decided to go downstairs. His hand linked with mine as we walked into the living room. The boys whooped and cheered, which made me blush brightly. We sat on the two seated sofa, cuddling into the corner of the sofa, his arm around me as he was doing the same thing. I giggled.

"Should we tell her?" Luke whispered to Ashton and Calum and looked towards Michael, they all nodded.

"You guys are so secretive. I heard that." I giggled, Michael pulling me close and into him. This then meant we were spooning on the sofa, I smiled when he nuzzled into my neck.

"We'll we're leaving school, dropping out." Ashton said, a slight smile on his face. 

"Wait, what? Why?" I asked, they laughed a little. 

"We want to pursue music." I nodded, processing it before I smiled.

"That's great guys." I smiled. "You'll still be living here right?"

"Of course!" They smiled, I grinned.

"I'll support you in anyway I can." They nodded and hugged me tightly. I hugged back the best I could from being spooned by Michael. 

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now