Chapter 30

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Chapter 30


Luke managed to convince Michael to come the game, he didn't know I was going to be here. So Calum convinced Mali to pretend she was going out with me if Michael asked. I could see Michael sat in the stands from where I was stood, hidden. The half time whistle went off, and the girls sprinted on, I followed close behind.

Luke gave a thumbs up as the music started. I smiled, and we did the routine we had practiced for the whole 6 hours yesterday. I located Michael in the crowd again, and smiled, putting more effort in. The girls lifted and threw me high in the air, which gave me the chance to do a few spins before landing in their arms, we then moved onto flips and spins which then finished with a few random positions. Cheers errupting from the crowd. I jogged up the bleachers and met Michael, who let his eyes wonder up and down my body.

"So you have a revealing Cheer outfit, but refused to wear a nurses outfit for me?" He mumbled, hugging me and kissing my neck. I giggled a little and hugged back just as tightly, I broke away a few seconds later kissing him quickly before running back down the bleachers and to the bench where we were located. 

The game finished later, Luke cheering. We had won. I smiled and walked into the changing rooms, getting a shower, where Mali was waiting for me to do my make-up. I let her do it, and style my hair, the rest of the girls helping eachother out. I smiled and slipped on the heels and dress.

I walked into the dance. Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton all leaning against the wall, a little distance away. I smiled, walking over. Luke smirked, nudging Calum and Ashton. Who let out a wolf whistle. I smiled looking down. Michael looked over and then his eyes looked at every inch of my body. I blushed brightly, and he took my hand, spinning me around.

"Be careful with my sister Clifford." Calum laughed, and then he lead me away from the boys.

"You look beautiful." He whispered, and we swayed to one of the slower songs together.

"You don't look too bad." I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck loosely, resting my head on his shoulder. He smiled and continued swaying.

"Do you want to get a picture together, so we can remember this forever?" Michael asked. I nodded and we walked over to the photo area. We took a photo just as Cat walked in. Michael rolled his eyes at her walking in, and pulled me close, him kissing my cheek as the other photo was taken, me smiling widely as the photo was taken. We then collected the photos and walked away, putting them in my clutch. We danced for a little longer before I was pushed into Michael. I turned around to see who it was pushing me. There I saw Cat, smirking. Michael took my hand tightly. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes, pulling Michael away from Cat and her 'friends' not wanting the night to be a disaster. After a few hours, and Cat following us around, tripping me, and pushing me into Michael. Michael walked over to the boys, linking me in the process.

"We're gonna go elsewhere since major cake-face over there is harassing us." Michael sassed. I giggled at his choice of words, and rested my head on his shoulder. The boys nodded, and we walked outside the building and walked home. Michael sat me on the sofa as he took out his phone and walked upstairs. I brought out the photo's we had took of us in the dance. I smiled and put them on the coffee table.

"Are you hungry princess?" Michael asked walking downstairs knowing I didn't eat at the dance. 

"Yeah why?" I asked, looking up at him as he was looking down at the images.

"C'mon we're going out." He stated. I nodded and stood up, he linked hands with mine and we hailed a taxi before he covered my ears and told the driver where to go. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes as we drove through the city.

We came upto a restaurant as we stopped. Michael ran around to my side of the car, after paying the driver, and opened the door and helped me out. I smiled kissing his cheek as we walked into the restaurant. 

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now