Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I stayed silent as I walked with Calum to the hospital. I walked in, Calum taking me to reception.

"We're her nephew and nice." Calum stated, as I tuned in and out of the conversation. I felt Calum hold my arm and drag me to the room. There sat my aunt, hooked upto an IV. Watching the shitty little low quality tv in the corner of the room. She had the sunken features Calum mentioned.

"Heya darlin'" Natalie smiled at me, although it was a pained smile.

"Your hurting." I stated quietly. Calum sitting me down on the hard plastic chair beside Natalie. She hugged me tightly, her arms thin.

How didn't I notice this before?

"I'm fine."  She lied. I sighed quietly.

"Please don't lie." I whispered. She broke down crying whimpering into my arms. I looked to Cal. "Get a nurse." I mouthed and he nodded.

"It hurts." She whimpered.

"We're gonna get someone to help with your pain." I whispered, rubbing her back, and she nodded unable to speak through her tears. A nurse walked in with another drip, taking her arm and sticking it in. I felt like the mother figure.

"I don't wanna feel the pain anymore." Natalie squeaked, laying her head back on the pillow. Holding my hand. I felt the tears well up in my eyes, Calum walked over. The nurse gave me a sympathetic look as the drugs took over Natalie. 

"T-Then let go." I whisper quietly, tears rolling down my cheeks. "You don't have to feel the pain." Calum rubbed my back softly. Her hand squeezed mine and tears rolled down her cheeks, before her breathing slowed and she went. Just like that. That's when it hit me. The doctor walked in, looking at his watch and writing down on his clipboard. I let the tears fall more rapidly, Calum embraced me into a hug immediately. 

I sat on the bed in Calum's room in his house. Not Michael's, staring at the wall.

"Bethany, do you want anything to eat?" Mali asked, standing in the doorway. I shook my head gently, barely. Mali sighed and walked downstairs. She didn't even last a week.

Calum walked in, holding a bowl of soup and placed it on the desk for me. Sitting down beside me and rubbing my back.

"Michael called, wondering why you haven't answered." Calum whispered as he handed me back my phone. Thirty missed calls of Ashton, and fourty off Michael and ten off Luke.

"I don't want to speak to them." I whispered silently. "Can you call off my phone and explain please? Ashton first."

So Calum did that.

I curled up in a ball, sobs taking over my body again as I heard the words in my head. An hour after the phone calls, Calum scooped me up. "Mum! I'm taking Beth to Michaels for a bit."

He carried me to Michael's. Luke and Ashton still there. As soon as I was set down in Michaels hallway. Ashton attacked me in a hug.

"Sorry for being such a shitty friend." He whispered. I hugged him tightly, missing the comfort Ashton gave me with his hugs. He covered my eyes and lead me to the living room, there was a bunch of pillows, and blankets. "To make it up, and make you feel better, we're having a sleepover.  Michael, Luke, You, Calum and me."

"You can make a fort!" Luke smiled. I felt a slight smile hit my lips as I started building the pillow fort, the guys helping.

Afterwards we put on a comedy film on, and changed into PJ's, cuddling in the pillow fort together. I didn't care who was hugging me and cuddling me anymore. I needed to be around my friends.

"If any of you hurt my little sister. You're all dead." Calum growled as everyone became sleepy. Mainly me.

"Go to sleep Beth, you've had a long day." Luke whispered, and I nodded rolling over and cuddling into the body beside me, tangling our legs, and burying my face in their chest, tiredly throwing an arm over their middle.

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