Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


I walked downstairs to see Ashton and Calum pinning Michael down, and Luke's lip busted. I looked between them.

"What the fuck happened?" I grabbed a wipe and an ice pack and tended to Luke.

"Michael attacked Luke due to your recent activities together." Ashton explained. 

"No-one touches my princess like that." He snarled, trying to break free of Ash and Calum.

"Correction, I'm not your princess." I shook my head. "Actually I'm sure Cat is, yeno the blonde slag you fucked after leaving school at midday?" 

"I didn't do shit!" He said, pushing the boys off him. I stood in front of Luke. 

"Explain the status' on facebook, explain the fact, straight after you fucked me you left me, for her!" I felt the tears slip, but these were out of anger now. "YOU DIDN'T DO SHIT? BULLCRAP. TO THINK MICHAEL, I WAS FALLING FOR YOU. I THOUGHT I LIKED YOU, BUT NOPE." I yelled. pushing him again, making him stumble back. I ran up the stairs and to my room, locking the door and crying, faceplanting my bed. 

I walked downstairs for dinner, saw it was Pizza, grabbed a few slices, while all the guys were watching TV. I was wearing Luke's hoodie (which was now dry) and some girl boxers. I sat on the seat beside the sofa, and pulled my knee's to my chest. Which drew everyone's attention to me.

"Shouldn't you be wearing pants?" Ashton asked. I shook my head, scared to talk due to my voice breaking due to me crying for the past few hours. Luke gave me a worried look, as I sat looking at the wall, eating my pizza. 

"Bethany?" Luke whispered, I stood up and ran to the kitchen. I climbed the counter, reaching into a cupboard and getting the vodka. I giggled at my plan. I sat in the kitchen drinking for a little bit and having just under half a bottle left. I stumbled into the living room, the drink sloshing in the bottle. 

"Guys!" I giggled, my voice breaking a little. "Look what I have!" The boys all looked at me with wide eyes. Calum stood up, taking the bottle off me. 

"No. You aren't meant to drink that." He whispered, holding it up high in the air. I jumped grabbing it and walking off giggling like a school girl.

"MINE HOOD." I yelled drinking till there was only a little bit left in the bottle, and standing on the island in the kitchen, where a pole was situated. I giggled, remembering the one week of pole dancing classes years ago, and I fluently did it. Putting music on. I giggled and opened my eyes again. Luke, Ashton and Michael stood there, eyes wide. I dropped the hoodie off me so I was now just in my bra and underwear, and started again, my eyes open this time. 

The next thing I awoke cuddled into Luke. I smiled, cuddling further into Luke and kissed his cheek.

"Luke, how did I get to bed?" I mumble, seeing he was on his phone. 

"Michael brought you up, you were pole dancing and it was undeniably hot, not gonna lie." Luke said, smirking. "You would only let him bring you up and no-one else."

"Ohkay." I groaned quietly, sitting up and then my head started spinning. Bad idea.

"I'll stay behind with her since I doubt she can go to school in her hangover state and I don't feel too good." A voice announced.

"Hurt my little sister and you're dead." Calum growled. Luke stood up and helped me up.

"Where do you want to go?" Luke asked. 

"Living room." Luke scooped me up over his shoulder and walked downstairs and to the living room, where Calum and Ashton were waiting. Luke placed me on the couch before running out with them. I sat there in shock for a little bit. Until Michael walked in with a tray of food.

"Eating usually helps with a hangover." He whispered, looking very very ill. 

"Are you okay?" I mumbled, sitting up as he placed the tray on the coffee table. He shook his head, rushing to the bathroom. I followed him and her doubled over vomiting. I crouched down beside him rubbing his back.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now