Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Are you coming to the party Mikey's throwing?" Luke asked, while taking a picture of me with my new piercings with Calum.

"I dunno, I'm not on best terms with him am I?" I whispered, and then Luke laughed.

"Yeah, but we both have a plus one. Which means Calum can invite your aunt, and I can bring you, and he can't object."

"Calum, my aunt is delicate." I said, grabbing the drink for my aunt from starbucks as my name was called. Calum chuckled.

"Shes hot." 

"Can we not talk about my auntie this way infront of me please guys?" I laughed, the boys nodded agreeing with me.

We all walked to the taxi rank and got a taxi back to my house, then they stayed in and the taxi continued to their house.

Due to this party talk I had picked up two dresses, being the same size as my aunt made everything easier. I handed her the starbucks and then the bag with the new dress and shoes in.

"We have a party tonight, time to let loose." I smiled, and her face lit up. My phone buzzed so I checked it, two new unknown number text messages. 

Unknown: Hey, I'll pick you up at six, see you then beautiful x -Luke

Unknown: What's your aunts phone number? ;)x - Calum

I laughed replying with a simple 'Okay x' to Luke and then gave Calum my aunts number. I then walked upstairs, smiling to myself as she yelled a thankyou after me. I placed all my bags on my bed, pulling out the dress and shoes and hung it up on the door, going to the bathroom and getting a shower.

After my shower, I dried myself off, and left my hair in the towel around my head, slipping the black crop top and the white flowy above the knee skirt. I took my hair out of the towel, and ran my brush trough it and blow dried it, leaving it in its natural wavy state. I applied makeup, including winged eyeliner and the red lipstick I wore yesterday. I slipped on the flats as the doorbell rang. I clipped on the necklace around my neck, and walked downstairs, my aunt at the door and the boys talking. I grabbed my phone from the shelf as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Calum was whispering into my aunts ear, and Luke was looking at me with his eyes wide.

"You look beautiful." He mumbled reaching for my hand. I took it, and he pulled me close, removing his hand and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You don't look half bad." I smiled, looking at his now black ripped jeans and then his band shirt, his hair styled into a slight quiff.

We arrived at the party, people already really drunk, and it smelt of sweat and alcohol.

"Luke!" Mikey called, seeing him. "Who's the fit one with you?" I turned slowly and met his eyes.

"Michael." I stated coldly, and Luke briefly touched my hand which made Mikey send Luke a glare. Please don't be a fight tonight.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now