Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I walked around school with the boys for the rest of the day and bumped into Ash at lunch, his arms around some skank. Which hurt. I didn't replace him. I physically couldn't leave. Michael saw my expression, and put his hand into his pocket, I could see the handle of the blade sticking out.

"No, Michael it's fine." I mumbled, speed walking away from the boys, my tray of food in my arms, then I 'tripped', spilling the soggy pasta all over the skank who was all over Ashton. Luke, Calum and Michael smirking.

"What was that for?" She shrieked.

"Well, I'm saving my best friend from catching your chlamydia." I excused. "Yeah I know the other guys I was sitting with are over there, but I came over here just to do this to you." She unscrewed her water bottle, and stood up, because of her heels she gained height on me.

"Beth!" Michael called, I turned catching the open bottle, that looked like it had been frozen over night, I felt someone lift me up slightly, and I tipped the bottle over her. The person put me down, and I realised it was Ash. I smiled, linking with him as the girl stood there yelling at me to come back and fight her like a man.

Hold up.

I'm the man?

I turned, slipping out of Ashton's arm, and punched the bitch in her fake nose. She cried, storming away with her group of followers, people cheering my name. I went and sat down with Luke, Calum and Michael, pulling Ashton with me. Ashton in tears, laughing.

"That was so sassy of you." Ashton laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"You're my best friend, I want you STD free for forever." I giggle, cuddling into his side, Michael glaring at him.

Michael reached for my hand under the table, which I swatted away, making him more angry. He stood up and stormed away.

"Ashton, you like nirvana?" Luke asked, eying Ashton's shirt.

"Yeah." Ashton smiled.

"Right, you're allowed to hang out with us from now on." Calum smiled, before Michael yelled their names, they stood up and walked off. Following their leader, like always.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now