Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Michael laid me down on my bed, and placed himself beside me, wrapping his arms around the middle of me and pulled me close, I had quietened down to a sniffle now.

"Its unfair." I whispered after minutes of silence. "She's too young to die."

"It's going the be okay." Michael whispered, almost silently in return playing with my hair. I shook my head gently.

"It won't be." I mumbled.

In school the next day I stayed close to Ashton. Trying not to break down. Everyone's eyes on us, probably because they're expecting us to be with Michael and all them.

"I have music." I whispered. Ashton nodded, leading me to the music room. He got permission of the headteacher to sit with me all day. No-one was here so I made my way to the piano, playing the familiar keys of A drop in the ocean. I sang along, comfortable in front of Ashton while playing. I watched him, smiling at me. And a second voice accompanied me. I kept my eyes on Ashton, and he smiled. Our voices fell into perfect harmony without us even trying. Ashton looking between the person by the door and me.

"That was amazing guys." Ashton stood up, and I followed him, to see a red faced Luke smiling at me. A bunch of students behind him and Calum clapping. The music teacher pushed past and smiled at me and Luke.

"I heard you down the corridor." He smiled. "We have a show coming up. I'm entering you two in it for that song."

I felt myself freeze. Panic setting in. Ashton pardoned us and took us to the small cupboard. Hugging me tightly.

"Its going to be okay." Ashton mumbled.

"Everyone keeps telling me that, but in reality, it isn't." I whispered, breathing heavily.

"I promise with this one, this show, its going to be perfect okay?" He mumbled.


"I promise."

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now