Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


I helped Michael to his bed, and fluffed the pillows. He mumbled a thankyou in response. I smiled and went and got a bucket so he didn't have to move too much. I walked to the bathroom, grabbing the thermometer. I held it to his head.

"Your temperature is way over normal." I pointed out. He mumbled things I couldn't understand, his clothes clinging to his body. "Hey, I'm going to run a bath for you, so you're not all sweaty." He nodded, and I turned around and went to the bathroom, running him a lukewarm bubble bath. I lit a few candles and pulled the blinds down so it was dark, for my benefit and his. I walked back to the room, and he opened his eyes slightly.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" He whispered. 

"You helped me last night, I'll help you today." I smile, helping him out of bed, and to the bathroom. He was so helpless. He couldn't even take his shirt off. I sighed and lifted his shirt off him, and helped him out of his pants and boxers. He stepped into the bath and I lowered him down. I supported him, using my phone to put on some green day behind us. He let a smile hit his face. "I feel as if I should be wearing a nurses outfit." 

"I'd like that." He winked. I laughed and wet his hair and washed it still supporting him under the water. "Wouldn't this be so much more easier for you if you were in here with me?"

"Not a chance Clifford." I laughed and washed shown his torso, letting my fingers trace some of his tattoos. He smiled and I finished washing him down. He smiled and I helped him out the bath, and wrapped him in a towel. I got him some cooler clothes and handed them to him. He managed to put these on.

As it hit midday, my hangover was mostly gone, and Michael was asleep in his room upstairs. I tidied the house and took a quick shower, putting on one of Michaels shirts and a pair of my boxer shorts since the house was getting warm. I walked upstairs to check on Michael and he was tossing and turning in his sleep. I walked over shaking his shoulder softly.

"Michael? Wake up." I whispered. I repeated a little bit louder a few seconds later, and his eyes snapped open.

"Bethany." He choked out, sitting up. I hugged him tightly.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay." I whispered, rubbing his back. He started crying, kissing my forehead. "It was just a dream, it's not going to hurt you." He clung onto me tightly. 

"Please don't ever leave me." He whispered. 

"I won't Mikey." he seemed to calm down at this, and he laid down, spooning me. I giggled a little. He chuckled and kissed the nape of my neck. I blushed brightly.

"I promise you what happened between me and Cat wasn't anything remotely sexual." He whispered. "I asked her for help, and in return I had to be her 'boyfriend' for the month. But I see now I don't need help." 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I asked her for help on how to ask someone on a date, I've actually never done it before." He stated, looking down slightly, his breathing going down the back of my shirt. "She said she'd help aslong as I was her fake boyfriend for a month, hence the cuddling around the halls. But I don't need her help. Because I wanna know will you possibly go on a date with me?" 

"M-Me?" I stuttered, feeling a slight blush hit my cheeks and my heart race. He nodded. "Of course Michael."

He cuddled into me. "As soon as I'm better I'm taking you on the best date." He whispered quietly, yawning.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now