Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I handed all my homework in first thing, before meeting the girls back in the hallway by our lockers. Then Cat walked over. Pushing me.

"Michael is mine." She snarled. 

"Okay." I smiled kindly. "You can have him." A gasp rippled through the girls behind me. "He's not good enough for me, as Christie said five minutes ago, him, and Calum and Luke have changed me, and not for the good. I wasn't who I am. Now I am. So take him." With that I walked off, seeing Calum, Luke and Michael's faces drop. That is when Cat walked over and kissed him, which he kissed back. The girls linked me and walked us away. We sat in the library skipping first period.

"So what's the deal between you and Michael?" Lola asked, popping the gum between her lips. 

"Basically, I guess we just got caught up in ourselfs, found someone we got along with, and then took advantage of it. He said he wished I was a good girl, and not who I was, because I could be naughty for him and it would be more exciting. We haven't spoken since then." I stated. "Now can we change the topic off that asshole." 

They all nodded and then explained how there was a party tomorrow but Cat was hosting it, everyone but me was invited.

"I'm fine with that, I'd rather sit at home and watch movies. But being quite honest, I can spend some time with Mali." I smiled. The girls smiled.

"Or we could all have a sleepover." They looked at eachother. 

"But you guys have the party." I stated. They then argued with me that they would rather spend the night with me.

I got home from school the next day, and set up the beds for the three girls who actually agreed to come. I put on my PJ's as the doorbell rang. The boys already in the house. 

We watched some movies on the tv in my room, before the guys burst in, except Michael, moans coming from his room. Cat. I sighed and looked up at them. The girls asked to step outside with them for a minute, and then the footsteps walked away. The room beside mine was full of moans within the next ten minutes. But none of the girls came back. I started to get hungry and suspicious. I walked out of my room and then the hallway, coming from all the boys rooms were moans, and sex.

Then it dawned on me. They were just using me to get to the boys. I ran into my room, slamming the door, and calling Mali. The one girl I know who wouldn't use me, and would listen.

"M-Mali?" I sobbed, unable to contain the emotions in me.

"Bethany? Beth whats wrong?" She asked.

"Can you come over and get everyone out the house except the boys since they live here?" I whimpered. She hung up and within ten minutes she was over at the house. She realized what was going on as soon as she knocked on my bedroom door. She gave me a hug tightly but quickly.

"EVERY LITTLE WHORE IN THIS HOUSE OUT NOW, I SWEAR TO GOD, I WILL WALK IN THERE, AND SEW YOUR VAGINAS SHUT." She yelled walking down the halls. Christie and Jessy walked out, blushing bright red. 

"Whores." I snarled. "Hey, Mali, lemme sort Michael's out, you can sort Calum." And with that I walked into Michael's room, grabbing a bat resting against his wall. "Hey Catherine, you have excatly ten seconds to get the fuck off him, or this bat will go so far up your ass it will come out your mouth. The moans just got louder as I counted to five, I picked her up and threw her across the room. I glared.

"Don't be so violent." Michael growled from behind me. I turned around and pushed him before grabbing Catherine by her hair, and I walked out the room, her yelling in pain. Mali doing the same to Lola.

"Right, this isn't a whore house, so I want all you little shits out my baby sisters house before I call the cops." I dropped Catherine as Mali said this, and she scrambled for her clothes, changed and ran out, the same for Lola. I walked downstairs after them and slammed the door. The boys all looked at me with wide eyes. "Now you should all apologize to her." 

"Sor-" Luke, Ashton and Calum went to apologize.

"No, fuck you all. I don't want to speak to you again, and I don't want any of you to speak to me or even try because I will punch you." I felt the tears roll before I ran to the bathroom and locked the door, resting against it and sobbing. I heard Mali give everyone a lecture as I balled myself up, trying to control my sobs.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now