Chapter 36

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Chapter 36


Last day of school, forever. The boys had been doing gigs, and actually they had one tonight. Which I was going to. Although when I got a text third lesson I got worried.

Michael; Princess, you need to come home asap, bunk school xx

Me; Michael, it's my last day, I can't xx

Michael; Please, for me? xx 

I then sighed in frustration and as the bell for lunch went, I grabbed my stuff and left the school building, despite the teachers asking me to come back. I walked out of the gate and walked fast home. I burst through the door to see the boys giving me big smiles.

"What do you want?" I eyed them. That's when they whooped.

"We've been noticed by Louis Tomlinson!" Luke squealed. I let it process for a second.

"That guy from One Direction right?" I asked, they nodded. I grinned and hugged them all tightly. "Congratulations guys." 

"Okay, as a celebration, we're gonna go out for lunch at that little retro cafe downtown." Ashton announced. Making the boys and myself cheer. We laughed and walked out the front door and downtown to the cafe.

I giggled and sat down in the booth alone with Mikey. The guys in the booth next to us, claiming that there wasn't enough room. So we sat together in our own booth. Some slutty waiter came with our menus and asked if we wanted a drink, more so asking Michael and then also meaning is he thirsty for some hoe. He looked at me, slinging his arm around me and pulling me close. 

"A large Appleade to share?" He asked looking towards me. I nodded.

"That sounds great." I smile, he grinned, placing a kiss on my forehead. 

"Okay, choose your meals and I'll be back with your drink." She smiled a sickly sweet smile, and strutted off. We looked through the menus for a few minutes before she came back.

"Here is your drink, what meals would you like?" She looked towards Michael. 

"I'll have an extra large burger, everything on it, with large fries and a portion of chicken pops." He smiled, looking towards me. "You?" 

"Can I have the seven inch pizza with spicy beef, pepperoni and extra cheese please, with a large fries and a portion of chicken pops." I smiled, kindly at the girl.

"Fat." She mumbled under her breath, Mikey tensed around me.

"My girlfriend isn't fat, she has a fairly decent appetite and can keep up with me in eating, she doesn't have tissue stuck in her bra unlike you, but is still curvy enough to cuddle into at night. Not fuck then leave. So please, without anymore comments to my girlfriend, we would like our meals please." Michael said, coldly. I took his hand and squeezed it slightly, he relaxed and the woman walked away. 

We sat there talking for fifteen minutes before he lent down towards me and kissed me softly. Just as the plates hit our table. Our plates that would of fed four people, instead only fed two. He smiled and stole a slice of my pizza before I could even look at it.

"Mikey." I whined quietly. He chuckled and demolished that slice within seconds and went to reach for another. "Michael Gordon Clifford you have your own burger thank you very much." I pointed out, grinning. "You stealing my pizza is like me going," I picked up his burger and took a bite. "That." He gasped, laughing a little.

I giggled and handed him his burger.

"It's actually really nice." I smiled, and he chuckled and pulled me close as him and myself ate, occasionally sipping at the appleade. When we finished he grinned and we started talking again, before he lent in kissing me.

I heard a camera go, and there was the boys, taking pictures. We continued kissing, but flipped the boys off. We broke away, and slid out the booth, Michael taking my hand and physically dragging me away from the boys. There was a single grabber and a photo booth, including the silly accessories. He grinned and dragged me into the photo booth, we took multiple photos and giggled, Michael slipping one into the pocket of his wallet, where no image had been.

"You're such a dork." I pointed out.

"Yeah but i'm your dork." He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me, and resting his chin on the top of my head. "Just like you're my shortie."

"Really Mikey?" I asked, he nodded and walked to the grabber machine. He smirked cracking his knuckles and slotted money into it, and started playing. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he grinned at the glass which I saw as a reflection, and I went on my tiptoes, kissing the lobe of his ear. He let out a slight moan, as the stuffed bear with a heart landed in the exit deposit. He cheered and fist pumped, earning weird looks. I laughed shaking my head. "Yep, you are undeniably a dork."

"I know, but you're gonna call me cheesy now because here you go." He reached down grabbing the teddy, and handing it to me. 

"Yeah, you really are. But thankyou Mikey." He smiled, and I lent up to kiss him, on my very tiptoes.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now