Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I awoke with a massive headache, Michael asleep and snuggled next to me, asleep. His breathing soft. He didn't look like a 'bad boy' when he's asleep. He actually looked rather cute. I turned around and went to get out of bed, and he let out a soft mumble, his arm around my middle pulling me closer. Calum walked in, asking for Michael, and saw us, his eyes widened.

"LU-" I threw a pillow at him.

"Shuddup, he's sleeping." I laughed quietly, revealing Michael sleeping. Calum chuckled and went to get the rest of the boys, Michael pulling me even closer. Nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck, sending butterflies erupting in my stomach.

I was not falling for Michael. No way.

Two very sleepy boys tumbled into the room after Calum, although seeing me and Michael snuggled together seemed to make them wake up. I laughed a little as they all fumbled through their matching pj pants to get their phones. I closed my eyes, seeing the flashes of their cameras. Michael mumbling something in his sleep, pulling me on top of him subconsciously. I blushed brightly, the guys now moving around to the side to take a picture, I nuzzled into Michael's neck to hide my face. 

"Guys? What are you doing here?" Michael mumbled. Then his hand reached up and played with my hair.

"Did you guys do it" Luke asked, giving his flirty eyebrow wiggle. I rolled my eyes. Michael whispered a Sorry, and then I felt his head nod.

And asshole Mikey was back. 

"Bullshit." I mumbled, moving off him. "I wouldn't give you the pleasure." I slid of the bed, groaning at the fact I moved far too fast for my head to handle.

"But darlin' you were drunk last night, you wouldn't remember."

"I really wouldn't if I wanted to be your one night fuck, i'd let you know that." I smirked. "Luke or Calum however, if they wanted, could have me. Unlike you they aren't jerks, and don't break promises." I snarled, glaring at Michael and Ashton, feeling tears well up in my eyes. Luke and Calum engulfed me into a hug and I hugged both of them back. Ashton stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him, although failing because the first time it hit his foot.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I joked. "Oh wait it did."

Calum and Luke held back sniggers as all we could hear was a fuck you being shouted.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Get out, I wanna sleep." He muttered. I nodded, walking out the room with Luke and Calum. 

"I think they're on the men periods." Calum sighed. "We believe you when you said you didn't screw Michael." 

Luke nodded in agreement.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now