Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


The boys all left to go set up for their gig around three, which gave me time to do whatever I wanted to do, and not be bothered or interrupted. So I decided to go the hair dresser. I walked down the street, pulling my flannel around me tightly. A slight breeze in the air. I walked in and she smiled.

"I haven't seen you in a while Beth." The woman smiled at the desk. "You want the usual trim?" 

"No thank you." I smiled, and her mouth forming an 'o' shape. "I want it here." I pointed at just below  my bra strap. "and bleached and coloured light blue into purple into pink?" 

"Being daring are you?" She winked and led me to a chair. I smiled nodding, and the process commenced.

I opened my eyes and looked in the mirror. My mouth now in an 'o' shape.

"It's beautiful." I smiled, the time now five o'clock. The boys gig starting in an hour. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

Michael: Princess, get here soon, you've got front row ;) xx

I giggled and slid my phone back into my pocket.

"It's on the house." She grinned, I pulled out a random amount over 30. 

"Here's your tip." I smiled. She shook her head and I shoved it into her tip jar. She rolled her eyes hugging me tightly and walked home. I grabbed my septum piercing, which the hole had started healing, so I took it and put it through again and wiped the blood up. I grinned at my reflection and change my outfit to a low cut black shirt with ripped skinny jeans and did my make-up before walking the twenty minutes to the show, I walked in to my phone buzzing.

Michael: Where are you? xx

Me: I'm here, don't worry xx

I smirked as he walked out onstage with the boys the girls behind me screaming. I acted like a mild fangirl and cheered and clapped. Ash saw me and gave me a thumbs up, I screamed like a fangirl jokingly, which made Ash chuckle deeply, his microphone catching it.

"This is our new song, try hard." He introduced, and they started playing. I grinned listening, trying to make eyecontact with Michael but he was too busy searching for me. 

"Michael, she is in the front row." Luke said at the end, and pointed to me. I laughed giving a wave. Michael looked at me, his eyes wide.

"One word. Wow." He smirked, and they went through several other covers before they went offstage. I walked up to the backstage, other fangirls trying to get through to see the boys. I stood at the side, as the security guard had shoo'ed all the girls away.

"You best scram or I'll call the police on you." He warned.

"I should be allowed through, being Michael's girlfriend and all." I stated. 

"Several of those other girls where Michael's girlfriend too, some Lukes and some Calum's and one or two Ashtons."

"Princess! Nice hair." Michael smiled, taking my hand and pulling me into his sweaty body. I laughed hugging back.

"He didn't believe I was your girlfriend, I didn't know whether to be offended or not, but then again you didn't recognize me until all the boys had pointed me out." He chuckled and led me to the changing rooms, where Calum was stood with shades on, music in the background as he started hip thrusting. Michael chuckled and led me to the sofa, playing with my hair.

"It suits you." He mumbled, pulling me onto his lap and kissing my neck softly. Making all the boys groan and shout at us. I laughed blushing as he started nipping and kissing at the skin. Adding another hickey to the fading collection.

Good Girls Bad Guys // Michael Clifford \\Where stories live. Discover now