Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


I walked into school the next day after the funeral, dressed in a black, low hanging tank top, and high waisted shorts, and black converse. My hair tied up in a messy bun, a flannel wrapped around my waist loosely. I felt an arm wrap around my waist, and turned to see a jock. I rolled my eyes, moving his arm around my waist.

"Your aunt was a good fuck, goddamn she screamed so loudly." He whispered in my ear.

"Get the fuck off my little sister." Calum snarled. 

"The one that beat you up? I bet she's so innocent.." He kissed my neck. I burst out laughing, meeting Luke's eyes who smirked. I pushed him off me. 

"Innocent? I've probably had more pussy than you have had for one." I stated meaning my party days. "Oh and by the way." I got up on my tiptoes, biting my lip gently, his eyes looking at my lips. "See you're dick? I'm sure my pinkie is bigger than that."

"Want proof?" He seemed to forget that the boys were there, pushing me against a locker. I saw Michael's fists tighten, and I brought my knee up, letting it hit his balls, and as he hit the floor, I kicked him in the side for good measure and I turned around and walked to the boys, Michael slinging his arm around my waist and pulling me close. Calum smirked and walked over to the jock now lying on the floor.

"Try that again with my little sister, and you won't see the daylight for a while." He snarled, gesturing to the boys, and me behind him. The jock nodded and we walked down the corridor without anyone bumping into us since they all made room for us to walk down. Michael stopped outside of English, which is what I had now. I looked up at him and he kissed me quickly and softly.

"Text me if anyone treats you like shit, and I'll come down from Math's and kill them." He whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead. Thing is, Michael and myself aren't dating. So I don't know what we are really. We just kinda flirt I guess. I nodded and he walked off, and I walked into the class. I sat down in the back, and did my work quickly. I heard sniggers from the people on the row behind me. 

"So yeah she's fucked Luke clearly. I wonder how Michael feel's about being friends with a slut." One of them chuckled. "Oh and her aunt was more of a slut than her, she fucked that hood kid." I quickly texted Michael. Holding back tears as they continued slagging off Natalie behind me.

"Bethany Hood, are you on your phone?" The teacher asked. I shrugged and slid it into my pocket. Feeling it vibrate. So I checked it, and Michael replied 'Okay x' and a few seconds later Michael stormed in, making the teacher look highly shocked. Michael lifted me out of my seat and placed me behind him before he grabbed the one I pointed at with tears in my eyes. He picked him up by the collar and punched him in the face. Very soon it became an downright brawl. Calum, Ashton and Luke ran into the room, their jaws low at the sight. Michael was now getting punched in the face, his nose was now bleeding. I felt tears fall, and I closed my eyes. I felt Ashton hug me tightly and lead me out of the room. I clung into him, hugging and crying. The boys walked out a few minutes later, Michael walking with a slight limp, one eye closed over and his nose and lip busted. I couldn't look. Ashton led me out of the school, and to his car, which is probably what the boys had gotten here in. He sat me in the front and Michael, Calum and Luke piled into the back.

Ashton rolled down all the windows as we pulled out of the school car park. I put the radio on and Evanecence came on. I sang along quietly. Ashton smiling while driving. He hired the volume up, knowing I'll use my voice to match the volume, he then knocked it down slightly, my voice now over the radio, but I didn't care anymore. I looked in the rearview mirror, to see a bloody smile on Michaels lips.

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