Goodbye Home, Hello Tour

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I'm so happy to be leaving for tour. After that whole Steven situation and Chloe siding with that nigga, threw me all the way the fuck off. I was most certainly sure she was going to choose me over him. I walked over to the radio and turned it on. End Of The Road by Boyz II Men was playing. *Hit Play*

I walked to my closet and and grabbed more clothes throwing it into my suitcase. I was listening to the words in the song carefully and it actually was saying everything I wanted to say to Chloe. Maybe I should tell her how I feel - Then again she's way too caught up in Steven. That doesn't mean I'm just going to give up and not continue pursuing.

The doorbell was ringing so I left my bedroom and opened the apartment door.

"Chole" I said in shock that she was at my door.

"I just came over to talk to you Dalvin" she said seriously.

"This can't be good" I said inviting her in.

She sat on the couch and placed her bag on her lap.

"You seem busy" she said like looking around the apartment.

"Yeah packing for the tour. But enough small talk, what you wanted to talk about" I asked getting straight to the chase.

"Well firstly, I'm sorry about the fight you and Steven got into the other day. He told me you started though" she said and laughed a little. I laughed a little too. "But I don't think we can continue doing what we've been doing. I want and love Steven. Yeah I'll always have love for you but Dalvin, I'm not in love with you" she said seriously and looked at me with sympathy.

I nodded in understanding. "You in love with Steven" I asked intriguingly.

"He's my soulmate! I really wanna make it right with him but it starts with us ending this completely" she told me matter of factly.

"I can respect that. I won't intervene in the middle of that. You do you baby girl, and I'm gonna do me" I told her honestly but hurt too.

"You don't hate me do you" she asked looking sad.

"Nah I don't hate you Chole. Kinda mad yeah but I could never hate you" I said honestly.

"So I guess I'll see you around" she said grabbing her bag and standing up.

"I'll see you around" I told her walking to the door.

"Later Dalvin and have fun on tour. Be safe too" she said seriously.

I smiled "I got you" I told her.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek before disappearing down the hall. I walked into my apartment closing the door behind me.

"Well goodbye old relationship, hello ladies" I said going back to finish packing.

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